Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Vid of a child being saved from under the rubble after #Russia|n airstrikes in Kafrhamra, #Aleppo last night '

+100 Russian airstrikes hit Anadan, Hayan & Kafrhamra last night. Vid from Kafrhamra where 8 civilians were killed

Assad helicopters dropping barrel bombs on the village of al-Kinda in #Idlib today

Aftermath of Assad helicopter bombing of the village of Najia in #Idlib at midday today
FSA's 1st Coastal Division in #Latakia countryside reports breach of truce as regime drops barrelbombs on the area https://twitter.com/alolasahlea/stat...03075873902593

While #SAA non-stop bombardment in #Darayya, babies are starving to death by #Assad siege
#Syria FEB 27
BUT WAIT...both the Russians and US stated humanitarian aid had to be delivered as part of the CoH......nowhere to be seen as of yet.....both must have been lying.

SCD rescue little girl alive under rubble,victim of y'day #RUSSIA airstrikes on #Kafr_Hamra FEB 27 #Syria