Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post
On SWJ we repeatedly see posts that the Obama administration doesn't have a grand strategy. Either those posting don't understand what a grand strategy is, or more likely they disagree and believe his grand strategy is ineffective. That is quite different from not having a grand strategy. Dr. Hal Brands provides a simple summary of Obama's grand strategy, and while a little dated little has changed:http://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace...Grand Strategy

Breaking Down Obama's Grand Strategy

3 Principles of Obama's grand strategy

1. Preserve the international order by sustaining the American leadership and primacy on which it rests.

2. Engage with smarter, cheaper, and more prudent ways for exerting leadership, especially when the use of force is required. 3. Rebalance to the Asia-Pacific

1. It lacks rhetorical punch (no rallying cry)
2. Means and Ends are aligned (and increasingly they are misaligned)
3. Challenges in Europe will hinder the rebalance to Asia
4. Pivoting from strength to weakness (specifically in the Middle East)
5. Under reach can be as dangerous as overreach

The very term Grand Strategy is wrong. It would literally translate to a Grand or Super General!?!? What we should get back to is what it actually is and that is "Policy"!!!! What is our Policy? That is the proper question? We need to stop following old European concepts and use American concepts. Look at the YouTube video of President Kennedy on the Cuban Missile Crisis for a good example. Presidents do Policy Generals do Strategy!