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Thread: Obama's Grand Strategy

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  1. #8
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Moore View Post

    ‘America in Retreat’: Why Neo-Isolationism Exploded Under Obama and What We Can Do About It

    Pulitzer Prize winner Bret Stephens’ new book looks at an America in retreat from global engagement.

    The book: America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder

    Stephens argues the only alternative to American global dominance are three failed approaches to security: liberal peace, balance of power, and collective security.
    I have here stated since Putin's Crimea military annexation that Obama and his NSC are the weakest we have seen in over 70 years....AND that you cannot tell the difference between the Wilsonian policies of 1920 from Obama's FP.

    That has all been without any books....just what the straight reality on the ground has been telling is just many did not want to "see" it.

    Just as I have been pointing out the three hardcore Putin geopolitical goals behind his non linear war and believe me is a the first true 21st century grey zone war...meaning just a tad under direct confrontation but a war nevertheless.

    1. damage and discredit NATO
    2. damage and discredit EU
    3. disconnect the US completely from ME and Europe

    Reference point 1.....almost achieved since NATO basically turned it's back on Turkey and did not threaten to use Article 5 in the confrontation with Putin and his support for the PKK and now equally Putin's support to the US supported proxy YPG which is just a subunit of PKK coupled with the debate on whether NATO will or will not support the Baltics in an Article 5 event. BTW....this NATO position was overall pushed by the Obama WH prior to the NATO meeting...

    Reference point 2......almost achieved via the refugee crisis..... and with the vast Russian money and info war support for European right wing populist parties down to even neo Nazi parties.
    Putin's hand grows stronger as right-wing parties advance in Europe via @leonidragozin

    Germany...far right wing populist AfD is winning parliament seats in virtually all of the major elections now.....AfD is anti EU, anti immigrant...anti NATO and anti US and funded by Russia as is the French National Front also scheduled to have major wins in France which is just as equally anti EU and anti NATO coupled with the open and direct Russian funding/info war support of Brexit campaign.

    Reference point 3.....Obama has actually allowed Russia to fully achievement this point all on his own...especially with the release of his Obama doctrine interview one can "see" exactly how Obama himself supports this.....

    These achievements are not as some have stated here..."melodramatic" is the ground reality staring us literally in the face and daily now...

    I have also been hammering the theme Putin truly wants a "new Yalta 2.0"...and his FM basically stated as much this week.....posted the interview.

    My serious concern is simply...Obama also wants a new Yalta 2.0 as well and that is extremely dangerous for Europe as a whole and no US President has openly advanced that concept as has Obama especially if one really "reads" his Doctrine interview....

    NOW take all the recent interviews with Obama and his actual actions over the past seven going on eight years and then tell me Obama is not an isolationist in the Wilsonian sense of the word....AND what did it cost the US when it came out of that isolation phase....??


    BTW...all of this was seen without the aid of a single book......ground reality is an excellent instructor if one is willing to just "see and understand".....something we forgot in Iraq to do and it is killing us in the ME.

    Obama thinks of himself as a progressive realist.....he is neither a true progressive nor a true realist as he runs from the use of the terms "invasion and genocide" like a vampire from a silver cross.

    He is simply far more interested in his image and his legacy than anything else ie Syrian genocide, a Russian invasion of Ukraine and the forceful military annexation of Crimea which changed the borders of Europe for the first time since the Wall fell.

    The impromptu rap in front of the WH
    The White House
    ✔ ‎@WhiteHouse Wait for it... ⬇ #Bam4Ham
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 03-16-2016 at 08:09 AM.

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