It is interesting that the world has totally forgotten that there were far more terror/bomb/aircraft hijacking attacks in the period 1968 though the mid 1980's.....why is that..??

✔ ‎@AtlanticCouncil ISIS Strikes #Brussels: Is This The ‘New Normal’?

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss U.S. Officials Bash ‘####ty’ Belgian Security Forces - The Daily Beast

Before calling the Belgian police and intel "incompetent" note that they have 10x suspects and 1/10th resources than others

WHAT is really interesting is the total believe that all terror attacks can be stopped..they cannot that is the true truth........

Many seem to forget that the Belgium security services have been incessant in their chasing down the Paris attack group and rolling up an impressive number of safe houses, IS members, explosives and some ways they are following the JSOC model of hitting one site, consequent intel analysis and evidence gathering and then on to the next target....

WHAT does need to happen and it is not due to national mindsets...the total exchange of any information gathered by any security service that effects any security service when it comes to jihadi terror AND for that matter yes terror from the neo right as well.