Russian Naval and Syrian Express on the move again......

FLOT'S Buyan-M cls corvette Serpukhov followed Otrakovsky south. Heading to Syria to replace sister ship Zeleny Dol

Armed with Kalibr SS-N-27 missiles, #ВМФ BSF #ЧФ Buyan-M class Serpukhov is en route to the Eastern Mediterranean was a SS27 that blew up a year ago during a military celebration naval parade.....

Buyan M class reportedly uses carbon-fibre radar cross section.

Withdrawal continues faster than ever ! Heavily-laden #ВМФ #Бф BF LST Alexander Otrakovsky 031 transits southbound Bosphorus en route to Tartus

"Reverse Withdrawal" is going on in high pace. A.Otrakovsky seems to be carrying above her 500tons limit, southbound

Fully loaded #ВМФ Бф BF Minsk transited Bosphorus 15:00GMT;This is the 5th Syrian deployment in2016 for ropucha LST