Teir Mala in #Homs also being shelled by Assad tanks today, no casualties reported (yet).

Assad barrel bombs continue to fall on Khan al-Sheeh fields in western Ghouta, #Damascus, #Syria. 4 so far today.

Assad forces trying to advance, FSA Central Div reports destroying a T-72 tank by a Fagot ATGM at Abu Samra castle in E. rural #Hama, #Syria
wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=35.369525&lon=36.998863&z=14&m=b … also 2 technicals, tank burned out

Assad rocket attack on Marj area in eastern Ghouta, #Damascus today. #Syria

At least 2 children & 1 elderly women killed & over 10 wounded in the Assad rocket attack in al-Waer district in #Homs, #Syria yesterday

Aleppo: 2 Iranian Revolutionary Guard Killed In Clashes - #Syria