What seems to be some #Jordanian reconnaissance aircraft scanning the south #Syria #IS hotspot.

Geolocation of Ahmad al-Abdo Martyrs Brigade TOW strike on IS VBIED in Qalamoun, #Syria.

Also confirmation, #Hezbollah now operates the SA-22, SA-5, Yachont, Fateh-110, SS-21 and Scud-D.
But this is not entirely new, I guess.

iranian army troops in Khan Tuman. Ops in south Aleppo is now limited to IRGC & Iranian army

Michael Weiss
✔ ‎@michaeldweiss The Islamic State’s Scorched-Earth Strategy

Opposition still advancing. #ISIS lost many positions including the grain silos. Battles reached Tal Aar & Wuquf villages.

Testament of Iranian #IRGC Heydar Ebrahimkhani killed in Aleppo,Syria:«People say fighters go to Syria for money»

Ahrar al-Sham commander Mohammed al-Shami claim they captured 16 #Hezbollah members in al-Eis battle in southern #Aleppo