One of the slickest tactics I saw from the safety of my armchair during the invasion occured when a squad was hunting for some Republican Guards. The squad had entered this vill and a bunch of the locals were very uptight and upset fearing their mosque would be harmed/desecrated. An Imam was essentially trying to quell the crowds anger and suspicion but it wasn't working. The Lt stepped forward, upturned his rifle and held it in the air then ordered his men to upturn theirs and hold their rifles up for all to see the barrels pointing down. This immediately calmed and quited the crowd on the spot. I remember commenting to my wife that this Lt should get an immediate battle field promotion to the Bn level if not Regimental level. It would indeed be wise for dismounted Lts, point men, squad leaders when conversing with Iraqis on the street to upturn their rifles in the same manner. It is an extremely powerful, immediate symbolic expression of trust. Just swivel it around and point the barrel down.

One man in a patroling squad should be allowed to make a quick purchase or two of a soda or some kind of candy or trinket as well. You don't buy things from people you hate or don't trust. So as a patrol slowly moves through a neighborhood, they will not be remembered by Joe Iraqi but the anomily of seeing a man break ranks so to speak to make a quick buy of a soda and guzzling part of it on the spot or walking away from the stall eating a piece of candy will be remembered for a long time and talked about. Have a designated guzzler for each patrol. Maybe this is already being done, I don't know.