There are also books - like Baer's 'In Bed with the Devil' - that are directly linking at least the 'wife of Saudi ambassador to the DC' with 9/11....

...and, to make sure: I perfectly understand there are three cliques within the Saud family, with sometimes diametrally opposite standpoints... including one that is kind of 'pro-al-Qaida' (or at least leaning in that direction, if for no other reason then because it would like to grow in importance), but simply 'irrelevant' and so far away from places where any of important decisions are taken, that it simply 'doesn't matter'.

Whatever, few things are sure:
- a) if Saudis - one of (officially) 'major non-NATO-allies' of the USA in the Middle East - were not involved, there should be no reason for such like Obama to censure the publication of the full report;

- b) versa-vice: if Saudis were not involved, there should be no reason for them to express threats like the one mentioned above.

Bottom line: what's all the fuz about?