I'm working on my dissertation, so I'm reading a lot, but here are the highlights:

Josephus, Wars of the Jews (Whitson translation) -- I read a page or two before bed

Lt. Charles Gatewood and His Apache Wars Memoir (Kraft, ed.)

Near a Thousand Tables: A History of Food (dissertation-related, but my husband's deployment has been replete with important food/dining issues -- the many meals he shares with the IA BNCO, over which they do much work, not to mention the relationship building (dining diplomacy), as well as the boxes of baklava he has bought for my husband to send back to me, which, even three weeks later were awesome; the problems with contractors as food providers (aka, the unlearning of the first lesson of American military history); candy-bar diplomacy; and finally, let's not forget the relationship between culture/society, war, and military organizations)

Oliver Knight, Life and Manners in the Frontier Army

In the queue...

Agostino Von Hassell, Military High Life: Elegant Food Histories and Recipes

Mary Massey, Ersatz in the Confederacy
