Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralAdama View Post
Hamas is now trained and funded by Iran. The Iranian-Hezbollah-Hamas-Syria axis is in ascendance.

There is no Axis ... politlcal rethoric claiming similarities to real alliances, understandings and direct links is not a substitute for proper intelligence and political analysis. These groups are disparate entities who have been inspired by some and supported by others... some have cooperative links such as Iran-Hizballah-Syria but to call this an axis is a far stretch. Syria and HAMAS have very different ideas about who directs their future, as does Hizballah. This group of entitites are less in ascendence as a group than our failed, miserablly myopic foreign policy has given them immense short term opportunites (Iran aside). Were there the slightest bit of soft power left we would have a say in the matter, but they know, shy of using a nuclear weapon that we have even used all the capitol of our hard power.

If Israel views FATAH as a Trojan Horse (who would do what? Bring in terrorism to Palestine?) then welcome HAMAS ... REAL terrorists, with demonstrated capability to do terrorism that FATAH could not do (and I don't mean two or three Qassam rockets). Did Israel make a concious preference that they preferred suicide bombers from HAMAS as opposed to the occassional bottle rocket from a FATAH splinter group... who were being hunted by FATAH loyalists? Let me speak from the deckplates on this one ... this is a SNAFU of immense proportions.

Mindboggling... Milo Minderbinder must have a role in this!