Quote Originally Posted by oblong View Post
Didn't see this anywhere. It is Seymour Hersh. But his sources are pretty much all on the record and identified in this one:


I read the first installation of this and Taguba comes straight out and names names. He was a straight shooter and, like Shinsheki, the Pentagon went after the messenger. This is a disgrace to the honor of the Army that could have been avoided. Rumsfeld and the other non-serving civilian neo-cons (Feith, Wolfowitxz, Cambone, etc) decided that the honor of American armed forces was the price to pay in the GWOT. What rot! If I had been in that first meeting where Rumsfeld ridiculed his name and investigation in a mocking tone, I would have pulled my anchors off and resigned on the spot. I have so much respect for Taguba now. He's an old-school WWII-style General that met the new school politics-at-any-cost chickenhawks. Any other time in history and he would have been respected for his work and promoted rapidly -then again maybe not. I suggest it be read. Rumsfeld, Meyers and the senior staff's treatment of his duty was nothing short of disgraceful.