CrowBat...something for your knowledge lane......

RUAF bomber HF voice net noted active 1734Z

@AlRFORCEFREAK #RUAF OCHISTKA comms check with bomber c/s 63331. That´s 3rd plane airborne

RUAF c/s 13524 to OCHISTKA: 755 538 452 495 122 688 987

RUAF c/s 63333 to OCHISTKA: 477 775 482 915 702 826 029

RUAF strategic air ground station c/s OCHISTKA comms check with bomber c/s 13524

RUAF ground station OCHISTKA has difficulties contacting bombers.

SO just cheap radios OR flying under the radar and transponders off??

Also appears the RUAF has never left their old Soviet AF four digit numbers one time message pads for comms.