no power handshakes - quit crushing/possessing the hands of people you intend to help - give your hand in friendship, don't take control of theirs
take off sunglasses when talking to people
upturn rifles when talking to Iraqis, if it is safe to do so
don't stare into their eyes, look at their the tip of their nose
stand closer to old people than you would the average adult and lower the eyes and head and look at their chin, only very briefly glance at their eyes
keep an arms distance from men when talking - that distance doesn't violate their personal space and it shows you are not afraid of them
when sitting beside 3rd world Muslims, get up real close side by side especially if sitting on the floor on a rug - sitting is passive and pretty much a non-threatening posture and they pack in tight when eating together
quit playing and horsing around with the kids
buy local as often as possible
if they are sitting, sit/squat with them to talk - don't stand and look down at them while talking
hand out some cigarettes to the men, even if you don't smoke
show pictures of family and things at home, talk about the people and geography but don't talk much about what you own unless asked
learn to say "my name is______ " in Arabic and some other phrases
quit playing and horsing around with the kids
always eat with the right hand when with Iraqis and eat at the same pace the other males are eating at
if interested, ask some questions about Islam - never try to fake it
if interested, ask a counterpart to take you to a mosque, learn mosque etiquette and strictly adhere to it - never try to fake it
always ask about the family first, don't ask the man how he is, ask how his family is
tell counterparts about your father and what he does for a living, what he likes to do, etc - bond with their paternalism
ignore women as much as possible
if you're living outside the green zone, there is a fair chance you might get hit or worse so it really doesn't matter if you share a smoke or soda/water bottle with some Iraqi counterpart now and then
be generous and public with praise for your counterparts whenever possible
quit playing and horsing around with the kids