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Thread: Syria in 2016 (April-June)

  1. #2501
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    #Assad air force MiG-23 bomb civilians south west of #Damascus.

    Russia/Assad have long been using incendiary weapons across #Syria but this mth in #Aleppo, almost on a daily basis

  2. #2502
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrowBat View Post
    Kyle Orton is standing out as somebody having really clear insight into the 'great picture', and then being able to word that in fantastic fashion. My hat is off for his work.


    More of 'funny' news about the catastrophic end of regime's 'On Tabqa' Offensive.

    Namely, you know the situation is really bad when even such regime-fans like Leith Fadel aren't trying to downplay the catastrophe that struck loyalists, but start talking about 'disasters' and calling for court-martials:

    - Desert Hawks and Syrian Marines left the 555th Regiment at Sufiyah and withdrew all the way to Zakiyah; 23 soldiers are confirmed dead; dozens MIA, 49 wounded

    - I am literally sick to my stomach after hearing what happened in west Raqqa. Some of these commanders should be court marshaled.

    - Disastrous turn of events force the Syrian Army to withdraw from west Raqqa:

    Who knows: perhaps some day Eliah might going to come to the idea to call Suqour as-Sahra and Dir as-Sahel for what they are. Sectarian militias, composed of loyalist Ba'ath officers and gangs of Shabiha. Then it wouldn't be surprising these 'elite branches of Syrian Armed Forces' are running away and leaving the SyAA behind, and on its own.


    Not to be outdone, some Russian reporter is citing similar details (roughly): catastrophe in Raqqa (and east of Palmyra too). Daesh 'attacked Suqour as-Sahra around 19.00hrs causing it to flee', many 'SAA' soldiers dead', 'Raqqa Task Force completely destroyed' and forced out of the Raqqa Governorate (i.e. its forward lines are about 2-3km inside Aleppo Governorate now). Daesh attacked the Syria Tel with 'dozens of car bombs', causing 'hundreds of casualties', and some 'SAA' (probably that 555th SF Regiment) are trapped there now inside a small pocket.

    Mind: subsequently - and apparently after realizing what a panic he's causing - he changed the tune of his messages to 'organized withdrawal'. Ho-hum...

    Considering Russian SF troops were around too, one is left to wonder what happened with them...


    On the top of this, the Daesh claims the capture of two tanks and a 23mm cannon on the Ithriya-Raqqah road.

    My assumption is that this is only the start of actual problems. Namely, regime simply has not enough troops to do what it is trying to do in so many places, while there is meanwhile a clear limit of what Putler is ready to do for Assad, and the IRGC able.

    In this case, the regime went for the Daesh all on its own. The Daesh figured out that the loyalists were advancing on a narrow front along one road, and then attacked simultaneously at several points into their northern or southern flank. In this way, it cut them off from reinforcements, then prompted survivors to flee in all possible directions, and then choped up remaining pockets of resistance.

    To make things better, this happened after all the possible pro-regime tweeps were reporting 'dozens of Russian air strikes' and 'air support' for this operation. Eventually, it turned out the VKS is doing its usual business of massacring civilians instead of providing CAS - this time in Raqqa. There are already reports citing 'dozens of casualties'.

    Shame on all of them.
    CrowBat....I admit I have been reading and following Kyle's work for a number of years as he clearly and concisely puts everything into a perspective that can be understood and his info is solid and he is not from the intel world.....shame that the Obama WH/Kerry never reads his writings nor asks for input in their so called decision making processes...especially as what Kyle suggests as well as others has never been talked about by Obama/Kerry/Rhodes, JCoS, CENTCOM, CIA and the entire NSC.......

    One does have to wonder WHY?????
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 08:13 AM.

  3. #2503
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    Syrian rebels destroyed a pro-#Assad position north of #Aleppo with mortars.

    Bombing raids on #Douma near #Damascus this morning.

    2 children killed, some civilians wounded, in air strikes on #Aleppo this morning.

    Syrian rebels TOW destroys 23 mm regime gun south of #Aleppo.

    JaN (#JaF) used a T-72 with Iranian Mirage-1 (IR jamming anti-#ATGM) during S. #Aleppo offensive
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 11:22 AM.

  4. #2504
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    A Humanitarian Intervention in the West Wing

    The State Department's Syria dissenters realize it’s time to plan for a post-Obama Middle East.

    By Frederic C. Hof
    June 20, 2016

    The decision of 51 State Department officials to sign a document dissenting from President Barack Obama’s Syria policy elevates perspective over distortion. These officials resuscitated the artificially depressed reputation of the United States in the eyes of despairing and disgusted Syrians, their neighbors, and American allies in Europe. They killed the White House pretense that critics of the administration’s Syria policy are partisan politicians, war-mongering neoconservatives, and clueless think tankers. Although their dissent will not likely alter the Obama administration’s failed policy over its final six months, it’s a meaningful gesture that might help to restore U.S. honor.

    Those who signed the document exhibited courage and character. Secretary of State John Kerry and his media spokesman have forthrightly defended those who dissented in the right way in the proper channel. Still, by speaking out, these diplomats knowingly put their careers on the line. When the document and the names of its authors become public — as they inevitably will — those who felt morally compelled to dissent will be subjected to all manner of abuse and harassment by back-shooters lurking anonymously in the digital world and, more quietly, in the corridors of the government. One can only hope the White House will not count among those questioning their motives and qualifications.

    The essence of the administration strategy to date has been to divide, artificially and ineffectively, the problem of Syria in two: an Islamic State half, and a Bashar al-Assad half. The former has been harassed with coalition air attacks and ground operations by a Kurdish militia. The latter has been left free to conduct an unlimited campaign of civilian eradication, one that has benefited the Islamic State incalculably in terms of local and worldwide recruitment while creating a humanitarian catastrophe and a migrant crisis. Assad and the Islamic State are inescapably two sides of the same coin, one purchasing the destruction of Syria and the dispersal of its people.

    Obama has vowed to degrade and destroy the Islamic State. His director of central intelligence, John Brennan, just told Congress that this is not going so well. How can it — at least in Syria — with Assad piling onto his own citizenry endless war crimes and crimes against humanity? Since late September 2015, Russia has joined the regime and Iran in both facilitating and committing crimes against civilians. Moscow, incidentally, loses no sleep over Syrians emptying into Turkey and Western Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoys and promotes the resulting nativist, populist drift of European (and American) politics.

    None of the foregoing is disputed by the administration. Barely a day goes by without some senior American official or spokesperson condemning a civilian-centric military campaign by the Assad regime supported by Russia and Iran, one that guts the Geneva peace process on which Obama has bet everything. But the likelihood of peaceful political transition for Syria and the protection of its civilians (two issues that are inextricably linked) have been left entirely at the disposal and discretion of three parties: Assad, Iran, and Russia. Kerry earnestly implores these parties to show mercy. He may as well speak to a mirror. His boss has given him nothing beyond a smile and a shoeshine with which to work.

    It would be reasonable to conclude that Obama has reluctantly accepted mass murder in Syria as a cost of doing nuclear business with Iran. No doubt he hates it. No doubt he wants it to stop. But to push back against Assad — to take limited military steps to make his attempts at mass murder slightly more difficult — risks angering Tehran and perhaps causing Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to abandon the nuclear agreement. Indeed, while the agreement was being negotiated the president assured his Iranian counterpart in writing that Tehran’s murderous client — a person who has put Syria at the service of Iran’s Hezbollah militia in Lebanon while breathing oxygen into the lungs of the Islamic State — would not be attacked as the United States chased the Islamic State in eastern Syria.

    No doubt resisting mass murder in Syria would offend Iran. Would it be enough to cause Tehran to renounce the nuclear agreement and the economic benefits connected thereto? My assessment is probably not, although the risk is not zero. Preserving the ability of Hezbollah to menace Israel and imprison Lebanon is of paramount importance to Tehran. Iran knows that Assad is essential to its grand strategy: Even Syrian army officers reportedly cringe at their country’s subordination to foreigners, and surely Syria’s humiliation would not last long in a post-Assad era. Khamenei has had no problem pursuing policies and practices in Syria that undermine the fight against the Islamic State and threaten America’s regional partners, even as he authorized closure on the nuclear agreement. It is Washington that has been unable to walk and chew gum simultaneously, with millions of people paying the price.

    All of this requires urgent review by the U.S. government. The State Department dissenters have proposed a specific military methodology with cruise missiles to make it hard for the Assad regime to kill on an industrial scale where and when it wants. Although such action might well complicate and frustrate some aspects of civilian slaughter, the real center of gravity in this matter lies with the intent and leadership of the American commander in chief. If he decides that U.S. passivity in the face of a monumental massacre causing lethal political fallout is no longer sustainable, he must make clear his desires to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and demand from the Pentagon a range of options aimed at making it hard for Assad to do his worst. It might be that cruise missiles aimed at Syrian military aircraft bases would top the list. But this is a matter for military professionals to sort out and for the president to decide.

    There are, to be sure, risks associated with changing course and protecting civilians — at least some of them — from mass homicide. These risks cannot be swept under the carpet. Yet neither can the risks associated with leaving 100 percent of leverage in the hands of mass murderers — Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime — be ignored. The progressive emptying of Syria caused by the symbiotic Assad-Islamic State relationship cannot be permanently contained by Turkey and other neighbors of Syria. And as long as civilians are on the bull’s-eye the prospects for diplomacy and political compromise are zero.

    Fifty-one State Department officials who have loyally helped to implement a dysfunctional White House policy have finally said, “Enough.” Even if Obama is content to bequeath to his successor a humanitarian abomination and geopolitical catastrophe, these officials have placed before the world the proposition that the United States can and ultimately will do its duty. They have rendered a powerful service. They deserve the thanks of the nation.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 11:58 AM.

  5. #2505
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    Russian/Assad Raqqa offensive is going from bad to worse in hours not days....

    #IS regain Talila east of #Palmyra

    Aleppo/#Hama: #ISIS has killed 30+ pro-#Assad forces east of #Ithriya since the morning.

    Aleppo/#Hama: #ISIS has captured the #Ithriya Main Regime Barrier, #Ithriya Oil Field & several regime checkpoints.

    SAA BM-27 Uragan with #Russian Airborne VDV marking on the side, during Tabqa offensive #Raqqa #Syria
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 12:06 PM.

  6. #2506
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    Report from battle against #Daesh in northern #Aleppo

    Had been previously posted but now identified as ammo/POL/vehicle point....
    Rebels hit a regime vehicle/ammo -depot in northern #Aleppo /#Mallah farms front
    Was definitely a POL point as well.....

    Aleppo View to Tel Eis with its 2 radio towers … … … …

    Report from frontline at Mallah farms in northern #Aleppo

    SDF storming the Silos at southern entrance of #Manbij

    FSA sniping #Assad-forces on #Aleppo's main square
    (~1 km distance)

    Precise sniper shot from Thuwar Al-Sham neutralized a 14.5 mm machine gun in #Aleppo.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 12:46 PM.

  7. #2507
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    Perfect example of just how little the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH cares about genocide and war crimes against's all "about the legacy.... stupid"......

    This much harm is unbearable but to understand why incendiary weapons are so deplored watch 2013 @hrw #Syria clip

    Overnight incendiary munition use in Syria

    The Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH had over five long years to do "something...anything"....and yet all they found were excuses and blamed others...just about as bad as Putin is in "blaming others"........
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 12:33 PM.

  8. #2508
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    Iran changes diplomatic lineup. #Russia's DM visits #Syria and meets Assad. Now this

    Assad reportedly just tasked Syria's Electricity Minister with forming a new government

  9. #2509
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    Obama Admin Battling Internal War Over Iran Access to U.S. Dollars

    Giving Iran Access to U.S. Dollars
    Internal strife as Treasury rejects State Department efforts to appease Iran

    BY: Adam Kredo
    June 22, 2016 4:59 am

    The Obama administration is at odds over whether to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system, a move that is opposed by parts of the administration, according to communications exclusively obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

    Tensions have been brewing between the State and Treasury Departments over contradictory statements about U.S. efforts to boost Iran’s economy and give it unprecedented access to U.S. dollars, according to conversations with sources who described a deepening internal divide over the issue.

    While top administration officials had promised Congress that such access would never be granted under last summer’s nuclear agreement, some in the administration have changed their tune.

    Secretary of State John Kerry recently participated in a public diplomacy campaign to encourage European governments and businesses to reengage with Iran, a move that was undertaken at the behest of the Iranians, who had publicly griped that the Islamic Republic was not receiving enough economic benefits as promised under the nuclear deal.

    The administration’s efforts on Iran’s behalf sparked anger on Capitol Hill among critics of the nuclear accord, who have been pressuring the administration to promise that it will not grant Iran access to the U.S. dollar, either in the United States or abroad.

    While the administration declined to make such a promise when pressed earlier this year by Sens. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) and Mark Kirk (R. Ill.), Treasury Department officials are now telling Congress that the administration is committed to blocking Iran from the U.S. marketplace—promises that appear to contradict efforts underway at the State Department.

    Several sources both inside and outside of Congress told the Free Beacon that Treasury officials—who oversee the international sanctions regime on Iran—are upset with what they believe is the State Department’s misguided diplomacy on behalf of Iran.

    “It’s no secret that Treasury officials are seething with anger at Secretary Kerry,” said one congressional adviser apprised of the situation. “They say he’s endangering corporations and banks because he keeps declaring that Iran is open for business and safe to enter, suggesting that the secretary doesn’t quite understand how U.S. sanctions or financial crime risks work.”

    “In reality Iran is a financial cesspool, and any firm that listens to Kerry is taking on enormous risk, and Treasury is running out of ways to tell him that,” the source said.

    The June 7 promise was offered just weeks before airline giant Boeing announced a landmark deal to sell Iran a cadre of new planes.

    “The U.S. Department of Treasury is not working on behalf of Iran to enable Iranian access to U.S. dollars elsewhere in the international financial system, nor are we assisting Iran in gaining access to dollar payment systems outside the U.S. financial system,” the letter states. “The administration has not been and is not planning to grant Iran access to the U.S. financial system.”

    There are not efforts to promote business with Iran, according to the letter, that go further in its guarantees than any past communication with lawmakers on the issue.

    “The concerns that remain regarding Iran’s economy, such as transparency issues, corruption, and regulatory obstacles, have given businesses and banks pause when considering whether to engage with Iran,” the Treasury Department writes. “We have been clear with audiences here and abroad that Iran has a lot of work to do to address these areas of concern if it wants to attract investment and trade.”

    “We are encouraging our European partners to make clear to Iran that Iran must address the shortcomings in its financial system if it wants to reintegrate into the international economy,” the letter adds. “When we speak to the private sector … it is not to encourage them to do business with Iran.”

    A senior congressional aide who works with the Obama administration on Iran issues confirmed the internal tensions, telling the Free Beacon that the Treasury Department’s latest communications to Congress directly contradicted Kerry’s actions.

    “The Treasury Department’s letter couldn’t be more in conflict with Secretary of State John Kerry’s de facto role as Tehran’s trade representative,” said the source. “This inconsistency in the administration’s message should deeply concern any and all international banks and companies thinking about venturing into the Iranian market.”

    The Treasury Department, in its latest correspondence with Congress, makes an explicit promise to completely block Iranian access to U.S. dollars; it also guarantees that the Obama administration is not encouraging any company to reengage in business with Iran, according to a copy of the communication obtained by the Free Beacon.

    The Treasury Department letter further criticizes Iran for its ties to terrorist financing and corrupt business practices.

    “Iran is a high-risk jurisdiction and has been designated as such by the international standard setting body on anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing,” the letter states.

    “Until Iran has addressed other concerns we have with its behavior outside the nuclear file, the U.S. financial system (including the branches of U.S. financial institutions abroad) will remain off limits to Iran an U.S. persons will not [be] able to provide financial services or products to Iran without explicit authorization,” the Treasury Department vows.

    The latest promises from Treasury Department officials come after months of protest by Rubio and Kirk, who have pressured the Obama administration to freeze out Iran from every sector of the American financial system.
    In all the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH spin just what did they actually promise Iran THAT they have not told the US public and Congress.....which they have admitted they spun......
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 12:45 PM.

  10. #2510
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    CrowBat.........something of interest......

    Russia'n report from battle in Tabqah on the road when they get some direct hits

    Appears things are going bad in a hurry........

    Clashes reach now last regime outsposts east of Ithriya -main barrier

    ISIS is attempting to storm the Artillery Brigade near Deir ez zor Airbase with 2 carbombs until the moment
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 03:20 PM.

  11. #2511
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    Pro-Assad FB page mocks electricity minister's selection as new #Syria PM: "Spontaneous power cuts in celebration"

  12. #2512
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    The current Obama/Rhodes highly "successful" Syrian policies....

    Child burned in western #Aleppo after #Russia'n airstrikes with "White Phosphorus"

    Which Russian MoD states they do not use nor drop......BUT WAIT Russian Today video disproved the MoD statement as a lie......
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #2513
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    IS-pic of #US B-52 bomber above #Manbij
    Sorry, but this is not World War III

    Idlib city: Jaish al-Fatah captured 6 men carrying explosive belts

    FSA storm Raghbiyah & Tal Ahmar near Al-Ra'i border town to #Turkey
    Why not take the area in the center?

    Turkey army shelling #IS-held Al-Ra'i after #FSA arrived at western town entrance

    The #FSA captured 2 more villages towards al-Rai, repeating the same long front mistake as in early April.

    Regime & Iranian-led forces are in big trouble as they didn't get the #RuAF full & massive aircover they expected in S. #Aleppo & #Tabqa.

    Happening now: new SAA attempt to storm Daraya featuring tanks and minesweepers

  14. #2514
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    Shoygu: Protection afforded by us for #Raqqa has ended.
    Assad: Can I have my militia abandon #SAA there?
    Shoygu: ...

    Several proAssad trolls have been arguing that the "Desert Hawks" did not abandon anyone as there is no 555th Regiment....

    "My argument is that there is no 555th Regiment" -@World_Conflict_
    "SAA’s 555th Regiment of the 4th Mechanized.."

    Yusha Yuseef
    Don't believe in all news reported by foreign reporters,There is NO 555 Regiment at all. If part of story is false, then source is all wrong

    The Syrian Arab Army’s 555th Regiment of the 4th Mechanized Division – backed by the National Defense Forces (NDF) – carried out a successful military operation in the northeastern countryside of Hama, liberating another village from the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) terrorists on Thursday | Al-Masdar News
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-22-2016 at 04:46 PM.

  15. #2515
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    Watch this - Morning Joe: Syria is a crisis infecting the entire globe
    via @morning_joe

    Abdul Wahed Abdul Ghany, #MediaActivist died as he was wounded by gov shells’ fragment on Al Malah Front, Jun 21

    Syrian photojournalist Abdo Abdo has died of his wounds. Via @Elizrael

  16. #2516
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    CrowBat...confirms your comments from today....

    Raqqa offensive failed mainly cause Russia , #Russia didn't give any air support the whole period of the offensive,its not #SAA to blame

    So regime militants + #SAA decided to commence this extremely risky offensive knowing #RuAF refused to take part?

    BUT WAIT.........
    NO #RuAF support !!? ,so what about Russian boots on the ground and artillery support

    Now #Iranian and regime forces are furious about #Russia´s refusal to fully act on their behalf.

  17. #2517
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    IRGC plans in a nutshell

    Soleimani issues rare political statement on Bahrain

    Iranian politicians and military commanders have condemned the Sunni ruling family in Bahrain for revoking the citizenship of the country’s top Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim.

    Author Arash Karami

    Posted June 21, 2016

    No statement surprised and gained more traction in Iranian and regional media than that of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force. “They certainly know that trespassing the sanctuary of Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim is a red line whose crossing will set fire to Bahrain and the region and will leave people with no path but armed resistance,” the statement by Soleimani read.

    It continued, “The Al Khalifa [Bahrain’s rulers] will pay the price of their actions, and its result will be nothing but the annihilation of this bloodthirsty regime.” Soleimani also had a warning to Bahrain’s allies, saying, “The supporters of Al Khalifa should know insulting Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim and the continuation of pressure on the people of Bahrain is the beginning of a bloody uprising.” Saudi Arabia, Iran’s regional rival, and the United States, which has stationed its 5th Fleet in Bahrain, are the country’s two most important allies and have helped the country weather the storm of protests led by the country’s Shiites, who make up the majority of the country.

    Soleimani’s issuance of an extremely harsh political statement is a rare move for the general, who is currently in Syria and fighting alongside forces aligned with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Russia against mostly forces aligned with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United States and Turkey. Reformist newspaper Etemaad called the statement an “unprecedented warning of Gen. Soleimani to Bahrain.” Conservative Vatan-e Emrooz referred to the statement as an “ultimatum to Bahrain’s rulers.” The statement made the front page of half a dozen Iranian newspapers.

    Qassim is known as the spiritual father of the country’s now-banned opposition group Al-Wefaq, whose leader — Sheikh Ali Salman — is serving a nine-year jail sentence. Qassim was born in Bahrain in 1937 and conducted his clerical studies in Najaf, Iraq, and Qom, Iran.

    Two advisers to President Hassan Rouhani, who has been reportedly trying to mend fences between Iran and regional neighbors, took a softer position with respect to Qassim. Hamid Aboutalebi, deputy chief of staff for political affairs, while critical of crushing dissent, tweeted that the path to resolving the crisis in Bahrain is through “peaceful” means, which both the people of Bahrain and Qassim had advocated and spoken of. Hesamodin Ashna, presidential aide for cultural affairs, wrote on Facebook that the newly appointed deputy foreign minister for Arab and African affairs, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, has his “first serious challenge” in part from Soleimani’s statement.

    Conservative analysts praised Soleimani’s statement. Mehdi Mohammadi, who was an adviser to Saeed Jalili, wrote that “Soleimani’s statement was the beginning of a movement in Iran’s strategy in the region.” Mohammadi said he would write more on the topic later, but he viewed this new “geopolitical movement” as the “finishing of military operations in Syria and Iraq, creation of a resistance army in the region, development of intelligence infrastructure against the Saudi-Israel alliance and the removal of the moderate Western-inclined.”

    Conservative analyst Sa’adollah Zaeri said it was natural for Soleimani to oppose the decision by Bahrain to revoke Qassim’s citizenship. He added, “Until now, we have spoken with a soft position toward the Al Khalifa regime, and this regime has shown that it does not the ears to listen to peaceful speech.”

    Also condemning Bahrain’s decision to revoke Qassim's citizenship are the IRGC, Iran’s parliament, Iran’s allies in the region, including Hezbollah, and Iraq’s Hadi al-Amiri and Qais Khazali.
    Appears the Iranians are making good on their US Obama/Rhodes guarantees that they can become the regional hegemon in the entire ME...not sure exactly where those Obama/Rhodes assumed "Iranian moderates are these days"......

  18. #2518
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    Chief of staff of SAA 10th Division KIA on the Ithriya-Raqqa highway

    BUT hey the "elite" Assad "Desert Hawks" and Marines did not run for their lives did they?????

    What the heck..........

    From proRegime Russian commenter;
    Syria frontlines

    SAA and #DesertHawks keep the front and planning counterattack. #Tabka

    IS took control at Syriatel tower on the road #Athria - #Raqqa. Terrorists continue flank attacks.

    Raqqa and Deir az Zaur #SAA offensive stopped: #IS flank attack and kamikadze.

  19. #2519
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    Aleppo north rif new updated map

    FSA capture Al-Raghbiyah and Tal Ahmar villages from #IS north #Aleppo.

    NOW Russia bombs Raqqa even though they have largely ignored IS for over seven months.....trying to coverup their massive offensive failure.....

    #Raqqa Death toll increase to 32 civilians who got killed due the Russian Airstrikes on Raqqa city yesterday and 150 injured #Syria #ISIS
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-23-2016 at 05:53 AM.

  20. #2520
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    Russia unleashes lethal aerial arsenal on Aleppo

    Russia is breaching international conventions by dropping incendiaries similar to white phosphorus on to residential neighbourhoods in the Syrian city of Aleppo in what is thought to be the prelude to a ground assault to retake the city from rebel forces.

    Photographs have also shown what experts believe to be a thermobaric bomb, the most powerful explosive apart from a nuclear weapon, being detonated next to urban areas, with potentially devastating effects for civilians.

    Video footage has emerged showing the glowing showers of what is thought to be thermite raining down on a rebel-held suburb in the west of Aleppo.
    Rest of story is behind a paywall....

    Incendiary weapons take gruesome toll on civilians. So why is #Russia using them in #Syria?

    Another footage for #Russia|n jets burning NW #Aleppo in #Syria by Phosphoros bombs.

    BTW Russia is also extensively dropping thermobarbic bombs as well....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-23-2016 at 06:08 AM.

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