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Thread: UK Declares Independence From The EU!

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  1. #3
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by slapout9 View Post
    The United Kingdom has declared Independence from the European Union..... aka Euro-Commies. The Brave British citizens stood up to massive globalist propaganda and declared their freedom.

    Hail Britannia
    BUT what cost?...they complained about EU yearly fees but the value loses of the FTSE yesterday equaled 40 years of EU payments........and it literally wiped out UK/US pensioner investments along the way and drove up UK gasoline prices by 10%

    Google released the top ten Google searches after the Leave won.....the top ones were
    1. What is the EU
    2.How many countries are in it
    3. What do we get from the EU
    4. what is Article 50

    Then Scotland is leaving within the next two years

    Then N.Irland raises it head again

    Then the French at the Calais crossing stated......start your own border controls now in Dover not in France and take the refugees camped here with you

    Then if you see the voting breakdown the over 65s voted to Leave and the majority of the youth 18-30 voted to stay thus the older generation deprived the younger generation that opportunity of living and working in Europe......

    THEN Leave argued investments would continue to flow into UK...THEN interviewed large companies to include Airbus UK stated when we leave there will be massive reviews of investments and we know what that means AND all major US corporate headquarters setup in the UK as they speak English and were in the EU have started indicating a relocation rethink...

    THEN the London Banking City will be moved as they can no longer deal in EU funds and bonds since they are not a member.....estimated job loss...100,000

    THEN what will the border look like between Ireland and N.Ireland

    THEN..THEN and more then......

    Then this headline this morning;
    Cornwall votes for Brexit and then pleads to keep EU funding
    Cornwall receives millions of pounds in EU subsidies every year
    Cornwall received over 675M Euros in support subsidies from 2007-13
    NOW they are complaining well the Leave told us the EU funding will continue....even if we vote against

    THEN the UK is waking up today to realize that hundreds of EU jobs and EU Parliament positions and their jobs are gone in two years AND that they will need a visa to travel to say Spain where they have second homes and by the way their NHS healthcare coverage will not be accepted in the EU...

    BTW...if one looks at the amounts of EU subsidies for low income rural areas that flowed into the areas that voted to is simply amazing what the amounts yes they voted to Leave BUT kneecapped themselves in the process

    Appears that the Brits had simply no idea about what the heck the EU was and or just how much subsidy support they did receive.....

    WHAT is amazing is that when one analyzes the reasons why Leave won...much support came from rural and or towns/villages that had high unemployment, poor schools and a history of over 40 years of neglect by the UK central government as everything in the UK is driven out of London.

    So in fact it was a major slap in the face against "poor governance" and the EU took the place of London.

    Now the next day they are fully realizing exactly what they did in fact do to themselves both in driving the UK apart as well as their own financial future...

    BUT what do we hear from the Leave politicians...hey we want a Norway model..forgetting that Norway must adhere to EU regs and laws, that they must adhere to certain levels of EU control AND they must pay an annual fee that ain't cheap AND have no vote in what the EU does....

    So having "won back" their government and country appears to me to have been a "hallow victory"...

    BTW...during the Leave interviews yesterday the Leave side started hinting and backing away from their constant statements we will trigger Article 50 immediately and replaced it with well maybe triggering in 2018 and goin into effect in 2020 thus continuing to eat their "cake" and still complain.....

    That was countered by the EU which stated the reforms promised to UK prior to the referendum are no longer valid and they want the process to start immediately in order to assure the financial markets that this will not drag out over years.....

    THEN Leave cannot tell us when to trigger Article 50.....EU Commission response read the fine print of Article 50 and what the Leave side failed to understand even written in English was the simple fact that the EU envisioned a government coming in and submitting Article 50.

    EU commission legal beagles now state that the Referendum supported by the civil society is a valid replacement to triggering Article 50 as the Leave clearly put to the people stay or leave and the people ran to Leave...thus fulfilling Article 50.

    So if this was a victory I truly would hate to see what defeat looks like.......

    BTW...EU is indicating that the negotiations with UK will be hard in order to not cause a domino effect......meaning others than want to potentially leave believing they will get a good deal when they leave.....

    What is amazing is that those that want to leave have profited the most money wise from the EU rural development funds to the tune of BILLIONS......
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 06-25-2016 at 06:20 AM.

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