Quote Originally Posted by Firn View Post
Everybody has obviously his opinion and his vote and who I am to not respect the specific decision. What bothers me greatly is:

1. Lies, yes lies, played such an important part for the Leave campaigns concerning the economic consequences.

As an Italian I'm used to that, we elected Mr. Lie four times, but it is always tough to stomach them.

2. The Irish questions was hardly if at all mentioned or debated

It's great that peace made the latter less urgent but to me that is rather telling that as in many other cases the good of the EU membership was just mentally skipped. The Irish Times article aptly describes part of the problem, while in the podcast some of importance of the EU in the peace process was underlined.

3. The risk of Scotland leaving the UK was rarely discussed by the Leave campaign, which is in itself quite ironic.

There is no doubt that this decision does increase it's probability. As we speak the SNP prepares for a second referendum and wants talks with the EU. Why was this effect hardly discussed in the media?

P.S: The last graph with 'Leave' 7 out of 10 on the side of 'don't think the vote mattered much' is deeply disturbing, especially when compared to 1 in 4 of 'Remain'. Of course the expectations impacts that a lot but it meshes to some degree with a good amount of people deciding to give the gov a kick.

P.P.S: VOXEU has lots of good takes on the economic effects and UK economic history. Keep in mind that Britain entered the European comunity after slipping from the richest economy to under-average performer. Within it the UK recovered and reversed economic course.
Firn...the use of disinformation in this vote was amazingly similar to that currently used by Russia and Putin....and that was and still is even in this morning in the UK somehow not being discussed.

Social media open source analysis caught the similarity literally months ago but somehow they were not even looked at by UK MSM....even down to pointing who was driving it and their messaging/narratives....

Why was it being ignored....it was coming from major UK MSM itself....the question is why and how was it paid for it and where did the money come from ie from which writers and their ties to whom????

Disinformation is a powerful voice inside a "populist movement"....just look at Trump....