A view from the ground in a West Midlands town, by an Exit door-to-door canvasser:
In my home town all but two wards went Leave, one better off Conservative, as per national trend and one where the block vote/leaders did the usual for Labour. Also Pakistani Muslims were for Leave in numbers, as well hence Birmingham result. Not fond of Eastern Europeans.

Labour shell shocked at the count, hence the meltdown today. Will Boris
call their bluff if the legislation to repeal the Europe Act is blocked
in Parliament. 1/3 Labour voters considering going elsewhere. Worse in
C2, D and E groups. Could be a rump of 150 seats.

People shaking our hands, asking for more leaflets, thumbs up on the
estates. Thanking us for what we are doing. I hope we give them some
thing back and have not led them up the garden path.

My socialist friends have been calling for years for the working class
revolution. Now they don't like it all and the mask starts to slip
amongst the bien peasant champagne socialists who purport to care about
the working classes. Thick, uneducated, racist, ignorant little
Englanders, fat, ugly, etc etc. Thing is they are not underclass, they
work and register to vote.

Also a dangerous moment. I do not blame the Eastern Europeans for
wanting a better life, I blame the elite's and all political parties.
No economic harmonisation before free movement. If I see any abuse or
backlash I will call it in.

Polls wrong as turnout filters set to General Election levels for C2, D and E. Higher turnout than normal GE in these groups because of immigration been the key issue for them.

Agree with all you say. It is Sovereignty, unelected commissioners,
biased German manufacturing, biased French agriculture and economic
hardship to club med for me.

Boris will get on the ballot of MP's no doubt and he will just walk it
when he and May are put to the membership.

Merkel will play ball, we are to important to German industry.

Scotland can do what they want, people are tiring of hearing about them
all the time.

The short term pain is worth it in the long run.