Three interesting comments:

1) Cited in part:
the love affair between Cameron and Xi appears to be on the rocks following Britain’s decision to leave the EU and the Prime Minister's resignation
Which also wonders if George Osborne's demise is significant, which IMHO some inside "The Beltway" will be very happy about. Link:

2) From a left wing academic viewpoint an explanation why. It ends with:
One could even argue that, being in the EU but outside of the Eurozone, Britain has had the best deal of any member state during the 21st century. This has been abandoned. Meanwhile, nations that might genuinely describe themselves as ‘shackled’, have suffered such serious threats to their democracy as to have unelected Prime Ministers imposed upon them by the Troika, and have had their future forcibly removed thanks to the European Union, might look at Brexit and wonder.

3) Explains why Sheffield helps to understand the vote in a Labour "heartland":
Fortunately, there’s one part of the country which can help us to make sense of the bigger picture: the city of Sheffield. Sheffield’s referendum vote was similar to the national one in a couple of ways.