Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Somehow you just cannot make this up as no one would believe it.......

Leave beats the drums to leave EU...THEN wins barely with a low turn out and then Boris Johnson the main Tory pusher of Leave does not want the PM position, BUT wants Article 50 triggered.......THEN Cameron quits as PM......THEN the Labor party is on the verge of falling into two parties...THEN the Tories are not much better off with 4/5 individuals wanting to be the next PM without an election....THEN a UK Law Firm is taking the Tory Government into Court for possibly violating the Act of Parliament THEN this today......

More rats are leaving the sinking ship after #Brexit
Nigel Farage resigns as UKIP leader

Meets Rupert Murdoch on Sunday, resigns on Monday morning.

BUT WAIT.....Murdoch supports Gove....for Tory PM.....after dropping support for Boris Johnson...

SI after crowing in the EU Parliament about his "win" and he is taking UK out of the EU...THEN this statement today.

BUT WAIT did he give up his paid UKIP MEP position in Brussels..seriously doubt it...

Does anyone have any idea what the Brits are up to and or really want...???
For those of you who weren't paying attention. Here's where Aaron Banks announced Farage was resigning, 5 days ago.

Was previously posted here in this thread.....they want to create a "voter friendly" alternative to Labor and see a chance to take Labor votes away.....thus cannot be seen as far rightist and or anti racist......