Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Azor...BTW this interests me more......

More we know what has followed after so called #TurkeyCoupAttemp more reasons we have to think the Coup was real...& #Erdogan was behind it.

Some 'pro coup' soldiers, now in custody, reportedly thought #Turkey coup attempt was just an exercise - AP

1st thing Turkey coup plotters did was take over TV station. Remember Russia's Strelkov did same in Donetsk #Ukraine https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...arade-captives …

- 265 dead
- 1600+ injured
- 3000+ soldiers arrested
- 2700+ judges arrested
- US airbase closed
- Coup ongoing in some areas

After Incirlik airbase has been shut down, multiple Russian airstrikes target Azaz in north rural #Aleppo, #Syria, several civilians killed

BREAKING: Turkish Defence Minister says it is too early to say that a possibility of a military coup is totally suppressed - @ragipsoylu
Eve 1: "We finished them."
Eve 2: "Ah, no, we didn't yet."
Eve 3: "Give us 6 more months." ?!
Yes I do wonder if it was a sting operation where the AKP used its loyal commanders to lure opposition ones into a coup before withdrawing support. Ergdogan is using this to expand executive power further and to arrest judges. If the coup isn't over yet and it's only a small faction in the military, then why are the intelligentsia being purged? Very false flaggy to me. The conspirators never captured any of the government leadership. Whereas Erdogan called pro-AKP crowds to the streets to take on soldiers who were never going to mow them down, now there's a curfew...