Erdogan bullies both the EU and especially lately Germany so he just keeps it up with the US.....

Turkey has been clearly told what must be provided as solid evidence against Gulen BUT has nothing as there is nothing against Gulen.....

✔ @CNNTURK_ENG #BREAKING Turkish Justice Minsiter:If U.S decides not to extradite #Gulen, U.S will sacrifice Turkey to a terrorist

Erdogan can huff and puff BUT in the end he urgently needs cash inflow from the EU which takes about the entire Turkish fruit and vegetable production and kicks back a ton of foreign currency transfers from Turks working within the EU....NAD he needs the NATO funds that flow in the millions as well..

WHY....the Turkish economy is tanking badly and if the much hoped full by all Turks free visa travel to the EU does not happen THEN Erdogan has a serious problem....

By pivoting to Putin makes in the end no sense as Russia and Turkey have historically never been close friends and Putin has no money....

Comment from a German commenter who has been tracking Turkish involvement in Syria for the last few years....

While many see a Putin/Erdogan alliance on the making, I (so far) see them at war and mostly tricking each other.