All I do not think you're seeing LAWVOL's point, perhaps he should have used broader terms vice starting out parochially, that said, his point that the US Navy Ship Mercy and the MEDFLAG operations have as much, perhaps more, value as capturing and killing insurgents is valid. It is a preventive measure, an innoculation against extremism, these are localized and visible efforts to boost the US perception in threat regions. This is entirely different from donating money to the UN or Red Cross, it is visible hands on effects based action. The fomentors of insurgency cannot just remove the Made in the USA label from a life saving surgery conducted on board the Mercy.

The point about aid dependency is a valid one. However, as these actions become more widespread they conduct training of indigenous medical and engineering personel. Teach how to fish vice doing the fishing. In some cases the talent and personel are in place locally (engineers and doctors) but they don't have the facilities and equipment.

The 'boo-boo' comment was unjustified and short sighted. The GWOT requires many different techniques, many different approaches. And this should not be dismissed out of hand. It is a complimentary activity that gives direct benefit to our struggle to diffuse the enmity that the Muslim world has towards the United States and the West. Would it work in Iraq NO. It is preventive in nature and requires benign environments.

For LAWVOL, if he can get the AF to conduct more of this great. I wouldn't hold my breath as in the current competition for the all powerful dollar big ticket tiems like Raptors and Aircraft Carriers trump mobile trauma centers and medical ships.