Quote Originally Posted by John T. Fishel View Post
Hi Tacitus--

Vodun ( the correct term for voodoo) is the religion of the masses in Haiti, It is a sycretism of Catholocism with sub-Saharan African animism. It is not, however, unique to Haiti but is common in may areas of the world where there were large numbers of African slaves. Among those areas are Brazil - where it is called Condomble - Cuba - where it is known as Santeria - and the American South around Charleston and New Orleans.

So, I don't think that one can make a causal argument for Vodun expliaining Haiti's culture of predation and its self-destructiveness. At most, one might suggest a possible contributory role in combination with many other variables.


Hi John !
A good point, but I rarely saw Sub-Saharans performing any rituals (thank God). I did serve with Tom, does that count ?

We do however happen to have a distinguished resident member that performs this kind of stuff (in Canada).

I will summon him ASAP