I don't really have a problem with NorthCom having an SOF planning and coordinating element; I would very strongly suggest that it might be better not to call it "SOC North" just on PR grounds and I do believe it should not have any direct action elements assigned. Nor do I think it need to be anywhere near the size of the OCONUS Geographic Commands.

I was elsewhere when you went to Green Ramp but I did earlier go to CAAF to go to Little rock in '57 and to Green Ramp and then all the way to Mississippi in 62 to get Mr. Meredith in UMiss. Also went to Detroit in 68, and in a later life I worked occasioanl Garden Plot plans and a few disaster repsonses so I'm sorta familiar with the use of Federal troops in support of the old civil power.

I don't think lawsuits are a big concern, I know they are for local LE -- got two sons who are Cops but as you say, the Armed Forces aren't going to be a target other than as individuals until the law gets changed.

Re: The FBI HRT, Yeah, I can say Waco and I can say Ruby Ridge. Sometimes folks learn from their screwups, sometimes they don't. However, whether its the HRT, the Marshals, the USBP or ICE Reaction Force or the Wackenhut Team from Oak Ridge is immaterial to me as long as it is a civilian law enforcement agency.

My suspicion is that while USSOCOM might not care much; if deployed and used, the shooters would be identified as "Delta" or "SEAL" or "MARSOC" and that senior folks in all colors of uniforms on E-Ring in the five sided funny farm would not like that at all. Right now Congress polls in the pits, 14% and the Armed forces are high -- the service chiefs like it that way and they do not want too many people that work for them going around shooting fellow Americans regardless of their culpability.

A I also said, I agree Gangs are a big problem. I just don't agree on a military solution to them. Bad idea. Very bad idea.