An all too familiar face on UK TV screens, in newspapers and quite possibly a few times in the USA, a British Islamic radical Anjem Choudary was finally convicted two weeks ago:
For 20 years Anjem Choudary stood on street corners, in shopping precincts, outside mosques, embassies and police stations and used his megaphone to drive a wedge between Muslims and the rest of Britain. Now he has been convicted of inviting others to support the Islamic State militant group.
Link to a full account:

He was always ready to speak to the media, although wary of documentary makers and to many became the voice of radical, violen Islam.

He remains in custody awaiting sentencing next month and could get up to ten years in jail.

An academic, Andrew Silke has written on what to expect when he is in jail. For reasons that defy an easy explanation handling convicted terrorists in UK jails is - to say the least - incomplete.

Just how Anjem Choudary evaded prosecution has been controversial for a long time; yes, he was a trained lawyer who knew where the legal limits on his words were. IIRC twice UK newspaper submitted evidence after his vitriolic speeches were caught on video. Several Muslims I know speculated he was really working for MI5.

So this headline is not a shock:
MI5 stopped Scotland Yard taking Choudary down, sources claim