I would, however suggest that civilian LE whose job the Gangs are can do everything as well as the guys in the SO community can if they're properly and sensibly selected and trained. It ain't that hard.

Been my observation that saying you can't do the job and someone else is needed to do it reflects badly and that most people are protective of their turf and will bend over backwards to avoid saying that and getting 'help' they don't want, particularly if that 'help' comes from the Feds.

Aside from the fact of really adverse PR and the political (not legal) implications, I have no prob with Military SOF doing SOF stuff (even in CONUS); LE isn't Military SOF stuff.

Gangs are an LE job. Given interstate proliferation, some Federal involvement is going to occur, if you don't like the FBI doing it, then pick an Agency. I used the HRT in the comment simply because it existed (and will probably continue to do so, distraction or not). I hear the Park Police have a good crew (no snark and no fooling)

On the FBI, both my Sons would disagree with you on the caliber of the Investigative ability of the FBI. Both of 'em have bad stories. One of 'em has a hilarious tale about a bank that got hit by a serial bank robber everyone had been looking for for months when not one but two SAs were in a bank he hit. Bad Guy got away, embarassing in several ways the SAs in the process. Few weeks later he got caught by a local cop. Then, of course, there was Ol' Eric Rudoplh...

No Federal Troops in 'Bama, the AL ArNG just got Federalized IIRC. I had to deal with Faubus and rather irate and unfriendly Arkansans in AR and Barnett in MS (actually not, we set between the runways at Columbus AFB for ten days doing little and went back to Bragg). George was a trip though...

I'm up in the L.A. corner, Redneck Riviera. I fit right in.