Do you believe that there is a doctrine known as Jihad in Islam?
Of course I do. But what's the definition? Is it what Daniel Pipes and OBL say...offensive, pre-emptive, world domination, make everyone believe or die?

Or is it what many Muslim scholars individual or collective spiritual and moral struggle? (by the way, Pipes and other "experts" say those scholars are being deceptive and are lying about the definition).

Looking at this simplistically. After I get my degree, go there, and start working with Middle Easterners, wouldn't it be very detrimental to the goal we are all trying to acheive (as well as my sanity) if my attitude is "OK, I think you Muslims and all of Islam is evil because you are all hellbent on violent world domination, but let's cooperate and work together anyway"

Perhaps it's just my lack of knowledge or experience, but I just really don't see how Pipes, Beck, are helping the cause by saying the stuff they do.

With all due respect, sir, I do think you have a very one-sided view of Islam.