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Thread: Syria in 2016 (July-September)

  1. #1941
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    So who in the Obama WH and CENTCOM knew this?????...further continuance of the Assad and IS "business" relationship since 2006.....

    Syrian foreign minister: 'Fighting IS not our prime concern', 'we have more important battles'

    BUT WAIT......
    Thriving business along Hama front, as government kingpins sell gas to rebel smugglers
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 04:52 PM.

  2. #1942
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    So who in the Obama WH and CENTCOM knew this?????...further continuance of the Assad and IS "business" relationship since 2006.....

    Syrian foreign minister: 'Fighting IS not our prime concern', 'we have more important battles'
    Kyle W. Orton Verifizierter Account 
    Who saw that coming?

    JUST check the date on his article......

    Really worth reading the entire article.......

    Provocation and the Islamic State: Why Assad Strengthened the Jihadists

    By Kyle Orton (@KyleWOrton) on September 3, 2014

    On August 25, Bashar al-Assad’s Foreign Minister, Walid al-Muallem, said: “Syria is ready for co-operation … to fight terrorism.” The week before Assad’s PR guru, Bouthaina Shaaban, told CNN that an “international coalition,” including Russia, China, America, and Europe, should intervene to defeat the “terrorists,” whom she says make up the rebellion in Syria.

    Back in March I wrote a long post laying out the evidence that the Assad regime was deliberately empowering then-ISIS, now the Islamic State (IS), helping it destroy moderate rebels and even Salafist and Salafi-jihadist forces, with the intention of making-good on its propaganda line that the only opposition to the regime came from takfiris, which would frighten the population into taking shelter behind the State, seeing this madness as the only alternative, and would at the very least keep the West from intervening to support the uprising and might even draw the West in to help defeat the insurgency. These statements represent the culmination of that strategy.

    At the time of that post, it was rather a minority view to say that Assad was bolstering IS but since then this view seems to have gone mainstream to the point where the French President called Assad “the de facto ally of jihadists.” People struggled to believe a regime could be that canny or cynical; to some it sounded too much like a conspiracy theory. But what Assad has done is not unique.

    This tactic is called provocation (provokatsiya in Russian), and “simply means taking control of your enemies in secret and encouraging them to do things that discredit them and help you.” The KGB perfected this tactic, beginning with Operation TRUST, though Russia had invented it under the Tsar. The KGB’s successors have employed provocation in the last few months with the Ukrainian far-Right, which has done so much to discredit the new government in Kyiv; a sanguinary version of this policy was employed by the KGB-trained authorities in Algeria in the 1990s; and it has even been used in democratic countries, such as in America by the FBI against the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Panthers, and in Germany against the far-Right. (Germany is so good at this that the last time the effort to ban the neo-Nazi “National Democratic Party” got to court it was a fiasco because so many of the NDP’s leaders and members were German intelligence agents that it was impossible to say what the group’s true beliefs were.)

    The best evidence that something of the kind has happened in Syria, a State where the security apparatus was schooled by the KGB, comes from Bassam Barabandi, a defector from Assad’s Foreign Ministry, who described the regime’s strategy in dealing with the uprising this way:

    ISIS’s role in Syria fits into a plan that has worked for Assad on several occasions. When a crisis emerges, Assad pushes his opponents to spend as much time as possible in developing a response. … His favorite diversion is terrorism, because it establishes him as a necessary force to contain it. …

    Assad renewed a version of this approach after non-violent protestors took to the streets demanding freedom and reform in 2011. … Assad needed to take steps that would pass time and prove himself as indispensable, both to the international community and to Syrians who fear retaliation from the Sunni majority. …

    Assad first changed the narrative … to one of sectarianism, not reform. He then fostered an extremist presence in Syria … [and] facilitated the influx of foreign extremist fighters to threaten stability in the region. … The resulting international paralysis allowed Assad to present himself as an ally in the global war on terror, granting him license to crush civilians with impunity. …

    Once the unrest shifted to an armed conflict, Assad’s choice of allies promoted sectarianism. … Today, the conflict has morphed into a sectarian regional proxy war. This is precisely how Assad envisioned it, and creates a dynamic that the internationals can dismiss as too complex or dissonant to Western interests.

    The Assad plan also included allowing extremist Sunni groups to grow and travel freely in order to complicate any Western support for his opponents. The Assad regime and Iran have meticulously nurtured the rise of al-Qaeda, and then ISIS, in Syria. … Assad released battle-hardened extremists from the infamous Sednaya prison; extremists with no association to the uprisings. These fighters would go on to lead militant groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al Nusra.

    In conjunction with the terrorist-release policy, Assad was sure to imprison diverse, non-violent, and pro-reform activists by the thousands … so that the influence of extremists would fill their absence. Assad was careful to never take any steps to attack ISIS as they grew in power and strength. …

    Now that ISIS has fully matured, the Assad regime and Iran offer themselves as partners to the United States. For the first time, Assad is striking ISIS in Raqqa and locations inside Iraq, in a perverse harvest of the terrorist seeds he planted to quash the civilian-led reform movement. Assad will continue to make himself appear helpful by offering intermittent air strikes, details of fighters released from prison, and intelligence. …

    The rise of ISIS in Iraq and events in Gaza and Ukraine have placed Assad’s war safely outside the headlines. Once again, the world is convinced it has higher priorities and may again conclude that Assad is a problematic, yet stabilizing dictator in a troubled region.

    The Assad regime has perfected the role of being “at once an arsonist and a fireman,” as Fouad Ajami once put it; of creating problems and then exacting concessions from the West to solve them.

    The simplest way of demonstrating that the Assad regime wanted to strengthen the Islamic State is to follow the money. IS has essentially five streams of revenue, which are:
    1.Oil. IS controls the zones where Syria has oil—Raqqa and Deir Ezzor—and has added oil-producing regions of Iraq around Mosul to this. Estimates of daily intake vary between $1m, $1.8m, and $3m, but this is clearly one of IS’s most important revenue streams. It is also agreed by everybody, from our best journalists to the French Foreign Minister, that a not insignificant portion of this comes from the Assad regime buying the oil—handing over millions of dollars to IS that allow it to fund its fighters and military campaigns, and propagate its ideology to the captive population (estimated at between six and eight million people), while letting IS avoid the necessity of looting, a feature of the desperate FSA-branded rebels that has damaged their cause. IS also takes over other resources—notably grain silos in Syria and the wheat fields around Mosul—giving it total control of the population and allowing it to sell the excess.
    2.Extortion (“Tax”). IS controls some non-Muslim minorities who pay the jizya, which is essentially a protection-racket. Other tribute is drawn as taxes from businesses (in the guise of zakat) and farmers. There are also charges for services like public transport. In total this is thought to bring in $5m per month or $60m per year. The Assad regime has avoided bombing IS-held areas as it does with rebel-held territory, allowing IS to exploit this revenue stream.
    3.Kidnappings. The U.S. and Britain refuse to pay for the release of their citizens taken hostage but many European States do pay. Some estimates say IS has taken in $65m (£40m) from ransoms. This is plausible. (Al-Qaeda gained $165 over the last six years from European ransom payments.)
    4.Antiquities. While IS has attracted attention for its obliteration of the region’s cultural heritage, it has a sideline in the sale of artefacts, specifically those looted from Nabuk in Qalamoun, which have given it at least $60m (£36m).


  3. #1943
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    Unimaginable firepower used by Russia & Regime during 4 weeks to make advances on SW. #Aleppo front.
    Footage of TOS-1A impacts, incendiary cluster munitions, TOS-1A launches, combat around the military colleges,Aleppo

    Aleppo: Ahrar Al-Sham's VBIED detonated inside Regime positions in Ameriya.

    First Regime fortified positions taken in Ameriya.

    S. #Aleppo: Rebels ambushed pro-Regime forces on Musharfaf front & destroyed 2 pick-up.

    E. #Qalamoun: Jaish Al-Islam destroyed an #ISIS tank after being hit by a T-55.

    #EuphratesShield: #FSA seized several villages from #ISIS E. of Al-Rai in a bid to secure further the Turkish border

    E. #Damascus: on 3rd day of clashes with #ISIS in E. #Qalamoun Ahrar al-Sham destroyed a tank and a 23 mm gun.

  4. #1944
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    Ethnic_cleansing on an unprecedented scale’: Rebels, UN criticize #Assad tactics …

  5. #1945
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    FSA Al-Ezzah Army | night Fagot #ATGM strike on bulldozer E Muharrada [محردة] #Hama:

    Jaish al Islam captured 2 BREM-1s, bulldozer, & a technical after storming regime HQ in Dhat al Riqa Op.

    Jund al Aqsa taking Saman Barrier in Northern #Hama
    The same BMP in a Jund al-Aksa video on Aug 31:

    Fastaqem Union @FkoUnion hit a group of SAA & officers in art. college, air tech school with a Fagot ATGM

    Sham Legion firing rockets at Um al Qara hill in southern #aleppo

    Jaish al Islam destroy an Islamic State tank on E. #Qalmoun front. TOW launcher shown in the shot as well.

    AlRahman_corps Sniping 3 Assad's militiamen in one shot by fighters of Al-Rahman_corps

    Hamza Division video of when fighters from al-Rai and Jarabulus met for the first time N. #Aleppo

    Due to shortages and lack of funding from aid orgs, Rastan most levy a tax to continue pumping water

    1 civilians killed, 2 injured, in #AssadPutin air strikes on #KafrHalab, W of #Aleppo.

    Another deadly #FSA TOW attack on pro-#Assad forces in the area S-W of #Aleppo today.

    Endless terrorism.
    More #AssadPutin air strikes on civilians in #Aleppo city yesterday.

    AssadPutin air strikes on #Lataminah in #Hama province yesterday.

    A #Russian air strike hit and destroyed the "Shif" hospital in #Saraqib yesterday.

    whitehelmets - idlib @whitehelmets_sy
    Russian warplanes targeted the civil defense center in Maart alnoman in idlib by cluster bombs.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 05:54 PM.

  6. #1946
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    .@JohnKerry manages to give comments on #Syria and #Aleppo without mentioning #Syria and #Aleppo ...

    SECRETARY KERRY: Well, good afternoon, all, and thank you for your patience. I gather you’ve been waiting for a little bit. When our teams met – (inaudible) – when our teams met in Geneva, we left Geneva with documents that went back to both capitals to review. And Minister Lavrov and I scheduled time to meet today, which we did; we just met for a couple of hours and to review the review. And I think it’s fair to say that everybody knows from the President’s comments earlier today, which I thought were very much on point, how complicated this issue is because of how many different forces there are – different players, stakeholders, entities, and so forth.

    And so we’ve been working very hard over these past months to see, if we can get something, that we get it right and that what we get is sufficiently pinned down that we both understand where we’re going. It’s fair to say that out of the review I think there are a couple of tough issues that we talked about today that he will go back and review, I will go back and review, and we’ve agreed to meet tomorrow morning and see whether or not it is possible to bridge the gap, come to conclusion on those couple of issues. And if not, we’re determined to do what I’ve said all along, which is take the time to make sure that we’re doing this in a way that gives it the best chance of success.

    So we will meet in the morning. We’re going to review some ideas tonight, a couple things on these couple of tough issues, and come back together and see where we are. And I think that’s a wise and important thing to do. I’ve said all along we’re not going to rush and we’re not going to do something that we think has less than what we believe is a legitimate opportunity to be able to try to get the job done.

    So my thanks to you for following it today, for being interested in it. We will meet tomorrow morning and we’ll give you a sense of where we are at that point in time. An awful lot of technical things have been worked out, a lot of things are clear, but there still remain, as I say, a couple of tough issues. We’ve got to figure out how to make certain both of us can be comfortable with the resolution to those issues, so that’s what we’re working on. Thank you all very much.

    QUESTION: Mr. Secretary --

    QUESTION: Secretary, can you say what some of those tough issues are?

    SECRETARY KERRY: I can’t. No, I want to keep faith with what I’ve said all along, which is not – because everything’s interconnected, and so we’ll let – we’ll give you a sense. Let’s see where we are tomorrow.

    QUESTION: Do you think that (inaudible) this deal?

    STAFF: Thanks, everybody. Sir, we’ve got to go meet the President. Thanks, everybody.

    QUESTION: Is there any resistance to --

    SECRETARY KERRY: Everybody’s signed off on what we talking about just now. We’re just trying to figure out how to solve a couple of problems. Thanks.
    A five year could could have provided a more coherent answer than the DoS did.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 05:55 PM.

  7. #1947
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    The VBIED was a BVP-1 AMB-S seized from Regime.

    Aleppo: Ahrar Al-Sham's VBIED detonated inside Regime positions in Ameriya.

    Rebels captured block building area in southern #Aleppo's Ameria after BMP blast

    Rebels took "blue buildings" fortifications in Amiriyah neighborhood

    This will make it very difficult for Assad/IRGC forces to move in and out of the artillery school and will expose the supply road to west Aleppo.

    Heavy shelling in E Aleppo as regime responds to Ahrar push. Reem, 3, reportedly wounded by tank fire in Jebel Badro
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 05:57 PM.

  8. #1948
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    The VBIED was a BVP-1 AMB-S seized from Regime.

    Aleppo: Ahrar Al-Sham's VBIED detonated inside Regime positions in Ameriya.

    Rebels captured block building area in southern #Aleppo's Ameria after BMP blast

    Rebels took "blue buildings" fortifications in Amiriyah neighborhood

    This will make it very difficult for Assad/IRGC forces to move in and out of the artillery school and will expose the supply road to west Aleppo.

    Heavy shelling in E Aleppo as regime responds to Ahrar push. Reem, 3, reportedly wounded by tank fire in Jebel Badro
    Look at those cold fronts between Assad & ISIS in Aleppo, they could easily attack regime supply route...

    Does Assad & ISIS have contractual agreements not to attack each other?

    Hassan Hassan ‏@hxhassan ·
    Remember when this was a conspiracy theory?

    Syrian foreign minister: 'Fighting IS not our prime concern', 'we have more important battles'
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 06:26 PM.

  9. #1949
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    CNN Trk ENG Verifizierter Account 
    #BREAKING Turkish Pres. Erdoğan: I have proposed to set up a no-fly zone in northern Syria to Obama and Putin

    Erdogan would not be proposing this if he felt he could not deliver on it......
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 06:04 PM.

  10. #1950
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    Turkish backed Syrian Rebels capture
    -al'nenbgah Kabira
    -al'nenbgah Sghirah
    -Jeb al-Dem east of Al Rai after battles battles with ISIS

  11. #1951
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    IS claims string of deadly bombings across the country today. Tolls via state media:
    Tartus: 35
    Hasakeh: 8
    Homs: 4
    Damascus: 1

    BUT WAIT......
    In Tartus, which Bashar regime touted just days ago as a haven for tourism
    Assad regime chief of propaganda for state run media is killed in Tartous blast

    Assad regime General Muhsin Jabour killed in suicide attack in Tartous
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 06:11 PM.

  12. #1952
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    Hama: Zil military vehicle carrying pro Assad militiamen destroyed by Syrian Rebels

    Aleppo: dozens of Hezbollah forces killed by rebels in South Sharfa

    2 BMP's carrying regime fighters destroyed in Um Qara by rebels

    Assad regime commander Basel Mahrouf Iys from Qardaha killed by rebels

    Deraa: Rebels capture Jalin buildings

    Ghouta: Rebels capture Hosh Farah Farms

    Turkish Armor getting in position before capturing villages in N. #Aleppo. @SMARTNewsAgency

    Footage: #FSA fighting #Daesh forces today near al-Rai town in north rural #Aleppo province

    FSA's @AlrahmanCorps on their way to Moademiyah frontlines against the regime in south #Damascus Suburbs

    FSA News ‏@FSAPlatform
    #FSA & armed opposition advances in #Aleppo today

    3 Russian airstrikes hit the headquarters of #FSA brigade @ShamLegion in Kafernaha, west #Aleppo

    Civil Defence team rescues a child hit by a Russian cluster bomb in rural #Idleb #Syria
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 06:33 PM.

  13. #1953
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    S. #Aleppo: Artillery Base almost unrecognizable after 4 weeks of relentless shelling & airstrikes.

    Unimaginable firepower used by Russia & Regime during 4 weeks to make advances on SW. #Aleppo front.

    Footage of TOS-1A impacts, incendiary cluster munitions, TOS-1A launches, combat around the military colleges,Aleppo

  14. #1954
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    Syria: Jaish al-Islam - 4th phase of offensive near #Damascus kills 200+ pro-#Assad troops

    Important Pro Assad militia commander Majid Assaf killed in Tel Sowan

    Reference Assad regime loses in fighting in the Arty school area....
    Well pro Assad media admitted that at least 348 of their men died
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 06:13 PM.

  15. #1955
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    Aleppo: fighters from Tajamu Fastaqem heading to the battle in Ameriya.
    Photo 1

    Aleppo: Sham Front on Ameriya frontline.
    Photo 2

    Aleppo: 1st Regiment (Fatah Halab) involved in current offensive to seize district of Ameriya.
    Photo 3
    Attached Images Attached Images

  16. #1956
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    Aleppo: #ISIS destroying #YPG tank with ATGM at #Hosh village, south of #Marea. Was T72
    That'd be the last tank Afrin YPG has left if my counts are correct.
    So ISIL is busy with attacking Afrīn/Kurdistan while turkish backed FSA taking tens if villages from them.

    Aleppo: #FSA rebels have captured #Nabghah village from #ISIS and are now 8 kilometers away from the next #YPG position west of #Manbij.

    Damascus: Rebels destroying #Assad position in #Jobar with SPG-9 recoilless gun today.

    Latakia: Al-Bassel Hospital in #Tartus today. Most of the 75+ killed and wounded are pro-#Assad forces.
    Aleppo: #FSA rebels captured #Al_Ḩumayrah, #Aţ_Ţāfilīyah, #Jubb_ad_Dam & #Mazraat_Ḩaydar_Bāshā villages from #ISIS.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 07:16 PM.

  17. #1957
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    TOS-1 was used by Russia to shell (thermobaric rockets) Artillery Base yesterday

    WAS manned by Russian crew.........
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 09-05-2016 at 07:12 PM.

  18. #1958
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    UN "Deeply alarmed" re cluster munition use in #Syria (by #Russia). I was really getting sick of "deeply concerned"

  19. #1959
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    BREAKING: @hawarturkce reporting that #YPG responded to Turkish army attack on civilians by killing a Turkish soldier on border w/ Syria

  20. #1960
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    CNN Trk ENG Verifizierter Account 
    #BREAKING Turkish Pres. Erdoğan: I have proposed to set up a no-fly zone in northern Syria to Obama and Putin

    Erdogan would not be proposing this if he felt he could not deliver on it......
    MORE: Erdogan also says that Turkish military backed operation in N. #Syria do not threaten Syria's territorial integrity

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