
I am most definitely NOT an Islam scholar. But I see that you are actively proferring views, references, and opinions representing your studies and interest in the subject.

It would help me, and I think a number of our members, if you would attempt to characterize your viewpoiint, the basis of your references, etc. I can sense some strong feelings (one man's opinion is another's bias) behind your posts, but I'm not sure I can reverse engineer them from Islamist references no matter how many times you repeat the same mantra.

A radio host I used to listen to for a political show always started with "who do you work for, where is your organization on the political spectrum, and where do you get your money?" That doesn't fully translate and I don't mean to convert that too personally, but that kind of thing. You did toss a label or two out when you got started here. Which ones would you put on you?

And I very much appreciate your placing an intro in the Tell Us About You thread, but again I'm not getting it from that.