Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
Russia is trying to preempt the Dutch JIT final report on the shot down of MH17 which will indicate that Russia was responsible for the shot down....

.@mod_russia has called a briefing on "primary radar data on the airspace situation in the region of the MH17 disaster." Gosh.

A FULL two years later Russia tries to reanalyze their own data they supposedly sent the Dutch which has already analyzed it...they are trying to deflect the Dutch analysis in the media so when the report comes out..they will call the Dutch data "fake and badly analyzed"....

Eliot Higgins

If @mod_russia now claims their radar shows a Buk missile the obvious question is why they didn't mention it two years ago?
"Irrefutable" evidence Rostov radar contradicts earlier "irrefutable" testimony of the Russian Defense Ministry over #MH17

For use in comparing just how the Russians altered the radar track today .....Flightradar 24 still have the radar track from MH17 posted on their site......

Will be interesting to see how social media open source analysis tears apart this Russian presentation....as there is now a vast amount of Google sat photos and other data that has not been used before......