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Thread: Syria in 2016 (October onwards)

  1. #141
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    Russian 500% owned propaganda media outlet Sputnik International is hard at work trying to convince the world that it was a Us drone that destroyed the UN aid convoy not a number of Russian jets which everyone knows did in fact bomb the aid convoy........

    September Attack on UN Aid Convoy in Syria Well-Prepared Hoax, Investigators Say

    The September 19 attack on a UN humanitarian convoy in Aleppo was "a well-prepared hoax", according to a group of independent military experts attached to the International Syria Support Group (ISSG).

    On September 19, a UN-Syrian Arab Red Crescent convoy carrying humanitarian aid for the Aleppo province was hit by a strike, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). As a result, 18 of 31 trucks were destroyed and at least 21 individuals were killed.
    According to the report seen by RIA Novosti, the experts studied the video recording made by the Russian drones accompanying the convoy, where "a car with a trailer clearly carrying a large-caliber mortar" can be seen. They also noted that al-Nusra Front-controlled militants were active in the region, when the convoy was attacked. "Urm al-Kubra is located in the region controlled by al-Nusra [Front] militants, moreover, this territory is noted as a region with high concentration of militants.

    If you consider reports of September 19, you will see that al-Nusra militants carried out a large-scale offensive supported by mass artillery fire, tanks and volley fire rocket systems in that very region at that time," the report read. The experts analyzed the footage and photos of the attack in the media and came to a conclusion that "the attack" was staged: in particular, the cabin of one of the trucks was not affected and "has no trace of a close explosion — traces of debris or holes, only the cargo damaged." Furthermore, the edges of the holes in damaged trucks are covered with rust. The road surface was also in perfect condition, while according to the experts it would have been damaged if it were hit by an airstrike. The degree of damage contradicts the airstrike version: the blast in a confined space would at least have overturned the trucks with cargo while explosions would have left shards in the walls of nearby buildings.

    But judging by the photos, the trucks only lost its canvas, their tires remained intact, the cardboard boxes remained in their places, and the nearby buildings have no cracks. The experts were also puzzled over the crater allegedly left by the purported airstrike. "The central part of the crater pulls objects in instead of scattering them around. Is it a black hole?" "In summary of this preliminary analysis, we can conclude that we are dealing with a well-prepared staged or ‘fake’ attack," the report reads.

    A diplomatic source told RIA Novosti that this report was sent to representatives with the United States who "expressed their disagreement with the conclusions."

    Western countries have accused Russia and Syria of the attack. Moscow has refuted the allegations and proposed to carry out an investigation of the incident, but the Russian proposal has not been met with interest by the West. The Russian Defense Ministry, commenting on the attack, said that a US Predator drone operated near Urum al-Kubra area north of Aleppo at the time of the deadly attack and had left the area only a half an hour after it.

  2. #142
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    Previous agreements to not militarise/politicise the water-pumping station in Aleppo have been violated as regime forces took control of it

  3. #143
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    Cluster bomb attackn near #Lataminah this afternoon.…

    #Russian air strikes hits #Saraqib.…

    #Russian air strike west of #Aleppo today.…

  4. #144
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    Qatar sees foreign intervention 'changing equation' of Syria war

    Outside powers need to act fast to protect Syrians because foreign military backing for the government is "changing the equation" of the war, Qatar's foreign minister said on Wednesday.

    For 14 days, a Russian-backed Syrian government offensive has been underway to capture eastern Aleppo and crush the last urban stronghold of a revolt against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that began in 2011.

    The collapse of the latest Syria ceasefire has heightened the possibility that Gulf states including Saudi Arabia and Qatar - backers of Syrian rebels - might arm the opposition with shoulder-fired missiles to defend themselves against Syrian and Russian warplanes, U.S. officials have said.

    Qatar's foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, a member of the royal family, told a news conference in Singapore on Wednesday that the Friends of Syria group - an alliance of mainly Western and Gulf Arab countries who oppose Assad - had since February "stopped and minimized" its supply of weapons to rebels.

    "On the other hand, the regime is continuing to receive supply from its allies, and that is what is changing the equation right now, and we hope that we can do something to protect them," al-Thani said in answer to a question.

    "We are very much concerned that the international community doesn’t have a Plan B for the Syrian conflict and the bombing and the shelling of the Syrians will continue. We need to act very fast to protect the Syrian people."

    The United States maintains that negotiations are the only way to end the violence in Syria. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who announced on Monday that Washington was suspending talks with Moscow due to Russia's role in the offensive, has said peace efforts must carry on.

    But frustration with Washington has intensified, raising the possibility that Gulf allies or Turkey will no longer continue to follow the U.S. lead or will turn a blind eye to wealthy individuals looking to supply man-portable air defense systems, or MANPADS, to opposition groups.

    Baghdad bridles at Turkey's military presence, warns of 'regional war'
    Western nations, mindful of how weapons spread from Libya after its Western-backed revolt in 2011 to unstable nations such as Mali, say arming rebels is risky because it is hard to tell militants from moderates in a disorganized array.

    Gulf Arabs say they know Islamist armed groups better and blame disorganization on a lack of outside support and training.
    NOTE:...Qatar might be now signaling the US that MANPADS are on their way in as the US has totally failed to protect the Syrian civilian population from Assad and Putin air strikes.....

    An also between the lines accusation of Russian and Iranian support to Assad.....

  5. #145
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    Putin’s plutonium threat ‘tactically clever but strategically disastrous,’ Solovey#says

    Should be read ...reference Aleppo.

    Memorial Ceremony for Nazi Massacre Warns of History Repeating
    via @nolanwpeterson @DailySignal

    A former USAF SOF type who is now a journalist and who has written extensively and been often in eastern Ukraine (far more times than any MSM journalist has been).

  6. #146
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    I had posted the his article here about the Syrian SCD being AQ...was an honest journalistic hit piece paid for by Moscow....WHAT is interesting is the number of leftist US TV/journalists who now work for Russia today a 500% Russian owned propaganda media outlet in 122 countries.....

    Sid Blumenthal's kid @maxblumenthal got Kremlin cash then wrote a screed denouncing Syrian first responders for getting US $.

    Blumenthal simply forgot to mention is number of Moscow trips prior to the article being released.....

  7. #147
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    Syrian rebels recaptured the beautiful great mosque of Turkman Barih from #ISIS.

    Aleppo #FSA took out #IS- car bomb near Aziziyah NW of #Akhtarin
    -no casualties-

    Turkish AF doing yeoman CAS duty for their forces and FSA units........US coalition AFs nowhere to be seen......

  8. #148
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    TRUELY APPEARS that both Obama and Kerry will "sell" their Grandmothers bathtub in order to get "something for their legacy".....

    SINCE when did US FP start groveling to get anything.....this Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH has no morals, no values and not much else YET they claim they have the greatest US FP since sliced white bread.....


    -calls @mfa_russia: „sorry guys. just for the show. don't tell.“

    -#Russia: "HE CALLED US!“

    Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
    I... just... don't... even know what to say anymore...

    Have we got any backbone left at all?

    Less than 48 hours after suspending US/Russian talks

    Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the situation in Syria with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Wednesday, less than 48 hours after the State Department announced a suspension in “bilateral channels with Russia” related to reducing the violence in Syria.

    The Wednesday phone call between the two diplomats, first disclosed by the Russian Foreign Ministry, raised immediate questions about whether the United States was already backtracking on its threat to cut off ties with Moscow.

    In acknowledging the phone call, State Department spokesman Mark Toner defended the high-level contact. “They did talk about the situation on the ground in Syria,” he said, “my argument back to you would be it would be irresponsible for Secretary Kerry not to raise what’s happening in Syria and make our concerns clear about what’s happening there.”

    Toner faced stiff push back from reporters seeking to understand the practical extent of the suspension of ties. “You tell the Russians one thing, and then you turn around and don’t follow through on it,” Associated Press reporter Matt Lee said.

    Toner said the suspension only applied to a diplomatic channel setup to sustain a cessation of hostilities in the country. Such a suspension apparently did not preclude talks between Kerry and Lavrov on Syria who have remained in near constant contact throughout the deadly civil war.

    “While that particular bilateral channel has been suspended we’re not going to just walk away from what’s happening in Syria,” Toner said.

    The State Department announced the halting of talks with Russia on Monday after a relentless bombing campaign by Russian and Syrian jets on the besieged city of Aleppo.

    “This is not a decision that was taken lightly,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said at the time.

    The U.S. also cancelled plans to share military intelligence to target the Islamic State and the al Qaeda affiliate Nusra Front.

    Republicans, such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona, continue to call for military action against the Syrian government but U.S. officials have warned that regime change in Damascus could empower Sunni extremist groups and lead to even more chaos in the country.
    NOTICE the last sentence...THIS is telling as the DoS and the Obama WH does not seem to fully understand that 1)Assad's genocide supported by Russian war crimes are the root causes of radicalization in Syria and 2) BY not stepping up and protecting Syrian Sunni's and allowing JFS to appear to be the protectors of Syrian Sunni's THIS WH is actually aiding and abetting the growth of the former AQ roup now JFS......

  9. #149
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    NOTICE as Kerry continues to only talk the Russian continue to bomb and bomb and bomb.....SO this WH cannot affect anything other than talk......

    Intense #AssadPutin air strikes on #KafrZita today.…

    Listen in!
    #ClusterBomb attack on sleeping civilians in #EastGhouta last night.…
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 10-06-2016 at 08:00 AM.

  10. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    TRUELY APPEARS that both Obama and Kerry will "sell" their Grandmothers bathtub in order to get "something for their legacy".....

    SINCE when did US FP start groveling to get anything.....this Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH has no morals, no values and not much else YET they claim they have the greatest US FP since sliced white bread.....


    -calls @mfa_russia: „sorry guys. just for the show. don't tell.“

    -#Russia: "HE CALLED US!“

    Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
    I... just... don't... even know what to say anymore...

    Have we got any backbone left at all?

    Less than 48 hours after suspending US/Russian talks

    NOTICE the last sentence...THIS is telling as the DoS and the Obama WH does not seem to fully understand that 1)Assad's genocide supported by Russian war crimes are the root causes of radicalization in Syria and 2) BY not stepping up and protecting Syrian Sunni's and allowing JFS to appear to be the protectors of Syrian Sunni's THIS WH is actually aiding and abetting the growth of the former AQ roup now JFS......
    Opinion How Did the World Remain Silent During the Holocaust? Exactly the Way It’s Doing in Aleppo

    President Obama, at the end of his term, must enforce a no-fly zone if the massacre is to end.
    read more:

    Behind a paywall.....

    When Israeli's start using the "H" word THEN the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH should stand up and take note.......

    SAD state of US FP when another country has to point out to the Obama WH what is or is not genocide....OR war crimes.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 10-06-2016 at 07:30 AM.

  11. #151
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    Jaish al Fateh continues to receive fresh #Grad missiles west of #Aleppo, shelling Zahra and Nubl.…

    The White Helmets ‏@SyriaCivilDef
    .@SyriaCivilDef center in Damascus just destroyed by air dropped barrel bomb. Vehicles destroyed and center out of action.

    N. #Latakia: 2nd Coastal Division shelled pro-Regime forces on Zahiyah front with a Katyusha salvo.…

    E. #Ghouta: Jaish Al-Islam repelled an assault on Tell Kurdi & claims a direct hit on Regime artillery used to strike this area

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    TRUELY APPEARS that both Obama and Kerry will "sell" their Grandmothers bathtub in order to get "something for their legacy".....

    SINCE when did US FP start groveling to get anything.....this Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH has no morals, no values and not much else YET they claim they have the greatest US FP since sliced white bread.....


    -calls @mfa_russia: „sorry guys. just for the show. don't tell.“

    -#Russia: "HE CALLED US!“

    Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
    I... just... don't... even know what to say anymore...

    Have we got any backbone left at all?

    Less than 48 hours after suspending US/Russian talks

    NOTICE the last sentence...THIS is telling as the DoS and the Obama WH does not seem to fully understand that 1)Assad's genocide supported by Russian war crimes are the root causes of radicalization in Syria and 2) BY not stepping up and protecting Syrian Sunni's and allowing JFS to appear to be the protectors of Syrian Sunni's THIS WH is actually aiding and abetting the growth of the former AQ roup now JFS......
    Putin issued an insulting ultimatum to the US, while launching a brutal miitary campaign in Syria. Kerry responded, "Let's be friends."

    The lack of Democratic outrage about this is what makes their recent hawkishness vis-a-vis Moscow seem so cynical and insincere.

    Great by @alexjlockie: "The Iran deal has Obama 'held hostage' while the MidEast descends into chaos"

    NEW: The Obama admin's plan to save Aleppo is ... well, there isn't one.

    Obama Has No Plan to Save Aleppo From Putin and Assad
    The White House is weighing options to slow down the joint Russian-Syrian advance on a rebel stronghold. But none of those options involve saving the country’s largest city.

  13. #153
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    NOT sure the Obama WH wants to hear this...

    David Petraeus says it would be “fairly straight-forward” to ground Assad’s air force “with cruise missiles.”

    AND it would send a loud and clear message to both Putin and his AF.....

  14. #154
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    Syria: the white helmet who was moved to tears is reunited with the girl he save on that night, both are doing fine

    AND this is exactly what the Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH are running away from in their quest for a "legacy"....HAVE never seen nor experienced such a poorly performing FP wise WH and their 700 person NSC in over 70 odd years.....
    Attached Images Attached Images

  15. #155
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    CAN anyone explain to me exactly what Obama got his Nobel Peace Prize for???

    At least the SCD who have been nominated ARE doing something for humanity
    WHILE Obama is/has not.....

  16. #156
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    Kyle W. Orton ‏@KyleWOrton Oct 4

    U.S. took a major al-Qaeda scalp in #Syria y/day. Can't succeed w/out increased support to the opposition.

  17. #157
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    Putin @PutinRF_Eng delivers ultimatum to US: abolish Magnitsky Act
    … @Kasparov63 knew how much it would hurt them

    THIs single law is massively hurting a large number of Russian oligarchs with money outside Russia......

  18. #158
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    NEW Russian FM mantra.......

    ISIS has their capital in Raqqa which is why we're bombing Aleppo.
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 10-06-2016 at 08:31 AM.

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    TRUELY APPEARS that both Obama and Kerry will "sell" their Grandmothers bathtub in order to get "something for their legacy".....

    SINCE when did US FP start groveling to get anything.....this Obama/Rhodes/Kerry WH has no morals, no values and not much else YET they claim they have the greatest US FP since sliced white bread.....


    -calls @mfa_russia: „sorry guys. just for the show. don't tell.“

    -#Russia: "HE CALLED US!“

    Charles Lister ‏@Charles_Lister
    I... just... don't... even know what to say anymore...

    Have we got any backbone left at all?

    Less than 48 hours after suspending US/Russian talks

    NOTICE the last sentence...THIS is telling as the DoS and the Obama WH does not seem to fully understand that 1)Assad's genocide supported by Russian war crimes are the root causes of radicalization in Syria and 2) BY not stepping up and protecting Syrian Sunni's and allowing JFS to appear to be the protectors of Syrian Sunni's THIS WH is actually aiding and abetting the growth of the former AQ roup now JFS......
    THIS is exactly how the Russian info warriors are "selling" this development.....

    MFA Russia

    On October 5, #Lavrov spoke by phone with @JohnKerry at the latter's initiative

  20. #160
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    Good points but here are other variables at play also: We Are Fooling Ourselves About Russia

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