Right now a LOOKING GLASS (US aircraft for nuke C2) is orbiting the Baltic.
Here's why

Latitude 67N SIGINT @Sigint67n
RUAF strategic AF voice net now silent. RTB?

Russia confirmed Iskanders moved to Kaliningrad, one was intentionally uncovered to passing US imaging satellite.

" #Russia deploying Iskander at #Lithuania-n border to get concessions from West"

Mark Galeotti @MarkGaleotti
#Russia's current antics - Aleppo, Iskanders, etc - depressing/worrying but remember if truly felt strong + confident wd posture much less

Poland declares “full military readiness” after Russia transfers new Iskander missiles to Kaliningrad.

Russian rocket division placed on high readiness

Russia never was a good loyal neighbor to anybody on continent or on entire Earth. never partnership only dominion.

Analysis about Air and Sea Traffic in the Gulf of Finland 6th October by @CorporalFrisk

The first week of October brought 2 Ukrainian soldiers killed and 13 injured in the war in eastern #Ukraine.

ATO HQ: 0 KIA, 4 Ukrainian soldiers WIA, 2 shell-shocked in last 24 hours

38 ceasefire violations yesterday in Donbas

Watching #Russian state media, one gets the impression, we are already in the middle of WW3 ...

Russia says U.S. cyber attack claims fan anti-Russian hysteria …think the Russians are doing a great job of creating their own the West is going to attack us hysteria…..