Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
From today.....

Pro Russians not ceasing fire east of #Mariupol. Shelling ongoing this morning.

The Russians since 2014 have wanted to break through this area as it is the direct line into the port of Odessa which separatists had wanted to initially take over giving them a port but failed when the locals pushed them out of Odessa...

Taking Odessa cuts Ukraine off from the sea and makes it basically a land locked nation state dependent on Russia..and gives the Russians two things...1) a land corridor to Transnisteria and Crimea and provides for a secure eastern flank to Crimea....

During heavy breakthrough attempt attacks on Mariupol last night UAF returned heavy SAF and artillery fire to push back the Russian attackers....
44 attacks on Ukrainian positions by Russia's militants over past 24 hours. Situation hot in Mariupol sector