This is just getting better and better:

Yemen's Houthi rebels 'receiving Egyptian military hardware'
Houthi rebels have received a dozen advanced military boats and other supplies from Egypt, a senior Yemeni official has told The New Arab.

The official who works directly with the Houthis and their allies on Yemen's western coast alleges that the Egyptian navy delivered the hardware to the rebels in the past two months.

The anonymous official said that the boats were supplied by the Egyptian navy and to the commander of a military base in western Hodeida province#through an associate of#former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The transaction took place on an island off the coast of al-Luhayyah, in northern Hodeida province, the official told The New Arab.
The official claims that despite Egypt's government having close ties with Saudi Arabia, Cairo also established good relations with the Yemeni rebels after the start of the Saudi-led military intervention in the country.

Egypt is officially part of the Saudi-led coalition fighting Houthi rebels in Yemen, but has been severely criticised by its Gulf Arab allies for failing to commit ground troops to the operation.

More recently, Egypt broke ranks with its Gulf allies when it#voted#in favour of a Russian-drafted UN Security Council resolution on Syria strongly opposed by Riyadh.

Now lean back, take a deep breath, and think about this: EAF F-16s are flying air strikes over Yemen as part of the Saudi-coalition, which depends on ground troops considering of Salafists and even some Wahhabists - and are fighting Houthi/Saleh coalition equipped with Egyptian-delivered boats and other stuff.

Somebody please remind me: in what kind of 'higher national interests' is that...?