From the Moscow Times regarding Estonian President Ilves's visit with President Bush in Washington

WASHINGTON -- U.S. President George W. Bush, acknowledging he could stand to "learn a lot" about cyber-security, expressed concern Monday over the high-tech hacking that crippled computer systems in Estonia.

Bush praised Estonia's president, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, for sharing information on how to deal with such security breaches.

Estonia suffered cyber attacks against its government and corporate web sites at the hands of Russian hackers last month, in what it says was retribution in a dispute with Moscow over the relocation of a Red Army statue in downtown Tallinn.

The Russian government has denied involvement.

Bush stayed away from the touchy matter, instead focusing on the lesson of vulnerability for the United States.

"Thank you for your clear understanding of the dangers that imposes not only on your country, but mine and others as well," Bush told Ilves after a meeting at the White House.

Bush praised Estonia for contributing troops to the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He briefly noted the latest suicide bombing in Baghdad on Monday, which killed at least 12 people, including a U.S.-allied tribal sheik.

"All the more reason, Mr. President, for us to remain firm and strong as we stand for this young democracy," Bush told Ilves.

Ilves thanked the United States for standing by his country's quest for independence "even in the darkest of times."