A very interesting article regarding Estonia's cyber wars and potential to Establish a NATO center for excellence, recently approved by the POTUS and SECDEF Gates.

Tallinn - For a top-secret military base, Estonia's centre for cyber-defence looks remarkably like a genteel university. Chairs stand in neat rows in the classrooms, facing blackboards covered in arcane symbols. Vast orange armchairs ring the common room, and in one corner a coffee machine splutters belligerently.

The scene is as far from any fictional secret bunker as could be imagined, but it is a battlefield nonetheless - and one where Estonia (population 1.34 million) punches well above its weight.

"Today, Estonia is an opinion leader. People are looking for answers to cyber threats, and they have started to ask for our advice; we now have to do a lot of work to move from being an opinion leader to being a leader in the field," Tammet said.