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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Slapout...something you and many Trump supporters have largely either directly supported and or silently approved.....the fought for in 1776 for the right to vote as an American WHICH today if you are even a poor minority YOU are still being robbed of your inherent right to participate in US elections by a very determined group of Republican politicians/Republican State Governors....far right white surpremists/nationalists ie KKK and company and outright racists...ALL fearful of power of the single ballot..AND losing their jobs....

    That is why I worked for over 50 years defending the US from enemies near and far so you and I both can vote and express our desires/ideas "freely without fear" AND I am 3000% against taking that right from others regardless of their skin color ...religious beliefs and or political leanings....AND yes even I support the right for a KKK member to vote his beliefs......even though I heartily dislike his politics....

    THAT is what makes the US so different from say Russia....which claims you also have the right to vote and to free speech...that is until you critique Putin and get FIVE years for being a terrorist......OR you are a Ukrainian living in now Russian annexed Crimea claiming your Tartar rights to vote in the Ukrainian elections....arrested and given two years of prison for even attempting to vote...

    Trump won Wisconsin by 27,000 votes. For perspective, 300,000 registered voters in WI lacked strict voter ID

    EXAMPLE of a Germany "who learned the democratic process from Americans at the end of WW2".....

    Every German and I mean every German and registered foreign national with a residence visa carries a government issued bio metric ID card..AND YES even refugees carry an ID card..issued every five years.

    On election day you simply go to your local poll station show them your ID card...they compare it to the voting database list for your area where you are get a ballot and off you go.....takes usually five to seven minutes....there are no extensive requirements placed on you by the government such as in Wisconsin or North Carolina to name a few US are a citizen...carry an ID card and are on the voting registry...

    IN say can only get it from a central location and have to produce some form of ID that says you live somewhere...BUT what if you are poor and have no firm location and or you do not have a mailbox address or you do not pay utilities to get a bill with your name?????

    NO one in a Germany which instituted the US democratic election processes AFTER the WAR would ever think of trying to gerrymander voting districts to favor one party or person over another...where you live is your precinct period end of story and who wins is who wins and that then demands from politicians that they maintain a regular contact to their individual precincts in order for voters to know them over the year until the next elections......that is why German politicians and their parties have offices in their voting distinct offices where anyone can walk in and ask questions or file complaints....

    Even homeless people in Germany have ID cards and can vote at a central voting area for say homeless people without a firm address....

    HOW many US voters have ever met on the street and or in the supermarket their House Representative and or Senator on a regular basis?....NEVER...

    THAT my friend is one of the inherent failures inside the current US so called democracy....that leads to widespread voter alienation and dislike for government...and politics in general.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 11-10-2016 at 10:18 AM.

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