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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Slapout and those that voted for close attention to this posting as it sets the stage for a posting on Trumps deep ties to and with Russia..

    As an avid supporter of social media from an open source analysis side simply because it covers when one takes the time to vet the commenters far far more than any amount of MSM will get you and the US IC community gets 80% of it's current intel via HUMINT which is really open source.....

    Open source can often tell you what is someone thinking/doing/working OR what is behind a specific door because the high tech side cannot provide that sort of info.....

    NOW to Trumps infatuation with money....and is it possibly his Achilles heel with Russia and is being potentially exploited by the Russian foreign intelligence service SVR and or the Russian military intelligence service GRU and due to his love of the fast lane even at 70 of sex....drugs....rock and roll.....

    IF we take open source comments we will notice in in a Fortune Magazine interview in mid 2000 Trump openly and unabashed stated...."you know if I would run for President I could actually make money".......

    Reference Trumps inherent and outspoken racism...he drove the birther movement against Obama from 2008 onwards AND was one of the loudest spokesperson on the birth certificate issue...and his countless racist comments during his rallies never changed in it against Latinos...blacks..women...Muslims..and last not but least Jews...when he went anti Semitic

    Jump now to 2016 and his outspoken denial to open up his tax returns with the statement you and I to dumb to understand them also voiced by his oldest son.......

    WHY would they both state that????

    During the last set of rallies Trump kept stating he is spending 100M USDs (although FEC filings only indicated a max of 66M USDs so where is Trump digging out the remaining 34M USDs for himself....of his own money...BUT WAIT...this money has not been donated which all candidates from both parties have always done....THIS money was "loaned with a 6% per cent a compounded monthly twist" SO all his voters basically paid for his own campaign....and no money will flow back to the RNC for future election uses......AND true to the Fortune Mag interview in 2000 HE is making money on the election...

    SECONDLY....the last FEC filing indicates that it is possible as the forms were so vaguely filled out deliberately by the way BUT still it indicates that an approximate 12-17M USDs will be flowing and or have flowed to companies directly owned by Trump to cover election expenses like the rooms that he uses in Trump Towers for his HQs where he even TRIPLED the monthly rent per FEC filings.....

    NOW take a look at the business empire created by Trump....over 500 companies....and he sits on the boards of most of them...MOST or ALL have something to do licensing of his products and around licensing for golf etc....YES where he has a strong property aspect there he has gone he had SIX bankruptcies and US banks refuse to deal with him since 2006.....forcing Trump into getting debt loans....debt service loans and construction loans from overseas banks....WHICH ones we do not know as he failed to open up his tax returns which would fully indicated who funds him and his operations......

    NOW this is where social media kicks back in...for the last three weeks there has been circulating a series of Russian documents that are not fakes as they were issued by an official Russian department complete with seals and telephone numbers of the office which can be double checked for accuracy.....

    In that list WHICH is strictly pertaining to Trump it LISTS a total of 249 Russian companies all bearing the name Donald betting these are his Russian licensing deals and remember he stated in 2016 that he sits on all the boards of his empire as he earns money for being a board member...I am suspecting the Russian office is their equivalent to what we have at Treasury as to what foreigner owns what inside your country..

    THAT list has somehow been totally ignored by US MSM...although the accuracy is easy to check...WHY is that???? ALL company names are there their addresses are there major copartners are listed and what they do is included...

    Back to 2012/2013 when he was invited to bring his Miss Universe and Miss World to Moscow at the behest of two Russian oligarchs close to Putin's inner circle who wined and dined him while he was on Moscow and who wanted to invest in both businesses. All the while Trump was attempting to interest them in a Trump Tower in Moscow...the Russiasn kept him dangling as they say in the business and never really committed...even Trump's son came back who a round of met and greets and property takers which is actually strange as Russian oligarch like to invest in property...

    NOW what is interesting WHEN Trump messed up and stated in a debate he and Putin had seen each other then...suddenly Trump and his campaign went to ground and denied any connections to and or with Putin....

    BUT good ole social media dug up a 2013 video where he stated he had indeed met Putin and found him to be personably engaging.....

    WHY would he and his campaign lie about that meeting in 2013?????

    WHY would Trump still today no released his feral income tax returns?

    MAYBE because of the following which would in fact be seen in those returns as any American who has overseas bank accounts and large amounts of cash must declare them to the IRS....

    HERE is the Achilles heel hard at work....the estimated current debt load to be services monthly and yearly of the so called Trump Empire is a round solid 650M USDs and that ain't as they chump change...

    It has been rumored again via social media that Trump has several large Chinese bankers as investors and Alpha BanK in Moscow...REMEMBER the internet server in the Trump Tower caught talking to a server located in Alpha Bank Moscow...both going dead when NYTs journalists were asking about them...????

    NOW reenter the Trump son who has again pointed out by social media and not MSM officially stated in interviews pertaining to several ongoing court cases that Russian oligarchs have been large scale purchasers of Trumps various investment properties and condos.....

    WGAIN we know far some very good UK journalists who have been following corruption money and Russian black monies that have flowed into UK and again via social media we know that Russian oligarchs and top Russian mob individuals use the form of investing into properties as a "legal way" to wash black money white....

    SO is Trump beholden to Russian and Chinese investors and to Russian black oligarch and mob monies and OR has he been "compromised" by the Russian SVR and OR GRU based on his life style????

    All we heard during his rallies was Clinton is a crook ad the Clinton Foundation was a swamp of corruption BUT Trump and his campaign repeatedly lies about his contacts to and with Russian officials....WHY was that?????

    SO is in fact Trump now and in the future "ethically challenged"...YES he is as long as he never open his federal tax filings for reviews by any major US accounting firm.....

    REMEMBER also both Trump and his campaign BOTH stated when asked by MSM after picking up on social media comments......he was asked about contacts to and with Russian AUG and again in SEPT/Oct both he and his campaign denied it..clearly and publicly denied it....

    NOW exactly TWO full days after his election we get formal and accurate information out of Moscow from a named Russian top official...oh we were in constant touch with the Trump campaign..SO either the Russians are lying but in this case I do not think they are OR Trump is basically lying to his voters and those that voted against him....

    The public and the Us security service demand an answer....

    REMEMBER those that work in sensitive government positions and agencies since Snowdon a getting what is called a "life style and CI polygraph" done in order to just keep working....

    MAYBE it is now time for one for Trump and those that work around him and or going to be working for him in the WH.....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 11-13-2016 at 02:32 PM.

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