Quote Originally Posted by AdamG View Post
Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group
Ben Norton, Glenn Greenwald

November 26 2016, 1:17#p.m.
Interesting the same Greenwald associated directly with WikiLeaks and the Snowdon releases who we now fully understand has worked with the Russian FSB/SVR.....

Of the long list of links/accounts associated with this list there has been an interesting debate between social media open source analysts and the group that released the article....

NOT an actual debate on the accounts which in 99% of the cases...ACTUALLY did actively push "fake news" but a debate over methodology on how they decided an account drove "fake news".........

So when we discuss articles like this one needs to fully understand the background chatter and the players like Greenwood and where he sits in relationship to both WikiLeaks and Snowdon.....and the Russian SVR/FSB....

IF you had been tracking the Ukrainian thread you would have seen twitter network link diagrams done by Global Voices on how the proRussian twitter bots and accounts were chatting with each other and how they were driven...a total of over six very interesting charts if one took the time to read them...

The exact same concept seen by US IT types when dealing with the proTrump bot network being driven out of Macedonia which accounted for ONE THIRD of all proTrump social media comments...paid for by a Russian company.....

AND that is not chump change in the social media world.....ONE THIRD....of the total volume