SLAPOUT.....YES we know what Trump is going to do as he as told you via his Tweets........that is his new DoS BTW........

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 19h
19 hours ago

If Cuba is unwilling to make a better deal for the Cuban people, the Cuban/American people and the U.S. as a whole, I will terminate deal.

1. Cuba is Cuba and no nation state likes to be told what they are going to do for you....especially Cuba and why would they listen in the first place to a Trump tweet rant?


2. IF Trump terminates the Deal then American law goes back into effect and any Americans traveling to and or dealing business wise with Cuba and YES that means Trump as well is liable to be hauled into Federal Court and hit with heavy Federal fines and or jail time....and kiss those Cuban cigars s goodbye.


3. ALL other countries WHO followed the Deal and have loosened up and established contact with Cuba due to tourism and trade are NOT BOUND by Trump's actions

AND they will just continue to develop the Cuban tourism trade and development of new Cuban joint companies in the end killing US jobs....

NOW we know the "factual actions Trump will take".....

Care to join in this debate on his stated FP towards Cuba...THEN we can move on to Syria after that as he has repeatedly made Twitter and public statements to what he is going to do.....