Ah...the games Trump plays and yet we are suppose to not believe he is going to do it......

Before the election it was all about Hillary the crook...lock her up and kill here.....

Then suddenly he mellows and states he is not going to do what he claimed he was going to do during the campaign....

THEN suddenly the Green Party exercises their constitutional rights for a recount and the Democratic Party states we will join in order to monitor the recount and Trump literally flies into a twitter rage.....against the DP and Clinton.....

THEN Clinton is leading in the popular vote at approximately 2.5m votes ahead of Trump and then he flies into a twitter rage ABOUT actually winning the popular vote...IT is he was just cheated by the millions of illegals who voted against him and or the DP.....

ANYONE notice anything here????

The Hill
Verified account
Top Trump ally on recount: "Hillary increases her chances of prosecution by acting this way"

BLACKMAIL the new form of American politics.

THEN we get the Trump rant today about burning the US Flag ......

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!

SOMEHOW the new PEOTUS simply forgot that the US SC ruled recently that buring the US Flag is within the bounds o the 1st Amendment and thus allowed...and yet he knew nothing before his rant.....

Russian 6Ds of propaganda hard at work here.....

Dismiss...Distort...Deflect....Dismay...ALL designed to create Doubt and Distrust...

Fear is rational. Our system can betray us. Trump toying with citizenship is treacherous. Today's @Morning_Joe row.
