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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
    Don't confuse how we got here with what will happen next. I believe that it is very possible that, based on the team Trump has assembled so far and his pension for looking for scapegoats when things go wrong, we could very will end up in a war with Islam, starting with Iran, once his economic policies fall flat. Worse, we will be going it alone, since all the other major players want to keep the Iranian Nuclear deal. He will do the same thing that Bush did; only accept intelligence that fits into his view of the world (if he even bothers to listen to the CIA now that they have openly said the Russians tried to manipulate the election in his favor).

    No, things can go south fast with Trump in the WH. But it won't be BECAUSE of Islam. It will be because of a serious of events that ended up allowing Trump to get into the WH, and then the catastrophic mistakes he makes once he is in.
    Ah...a man after my heart.....if we make the assumption and I think it is a valid assumption based on the characters Trump is surrounding himself with that his statements before the election are really what he is going to due FP wise...

    We know the following.......

    1. although he claims to be for the common worker and he wants to increase jobs and pay...most of his economic team is either Goldman Sachs who profited massively from the housing crash and even bet against the US government since they had insider knowledge of the bad bundling of mortages...OR one is a corporate raider who bought sinking companies..stripped out the assets and then promptly fired the employees....OR someone who does not believe in the minimum wage for low income workers

    2. he claims to want good paying manufacturing jobs yet demands a 35 tariff on imports openly knowing the current global manufacturing works on a just in time process pulling components from around the entire globe thus driving up the overall consumer prices ...already indicated to happen by Wal Mart and Target and company

    2a. PLUS triggering potentially a massive trade war with 35% tariffs placed on exported US products and leading to overseas paid for US plants slowly shutting down...also losing jobs

    3. places someone into the EPA who does not believe in global warming thus no longer supporting the development of alternative energy sources which drives a modern manufacturing potential ie wind generators built in the US by US labor instead of coming from Germany......or solar cell roofs which would drive more installation jobs thus lowering the over all cost of electricity.....

    4. ALL of this in the face of a Trump who claimed he wanted more good paying manufacturig jobs.....

    NOW let's get onto to the potential Trump FP

    1. he wants to export more US products into China..cut back Chinese a 35% tariff on products coming to the US from China AND he wants to have China change it's currency rates......

    NOTE...every thing previous US governments tried and failed at.....

    2. then he clearly signalled a new approach to Taiwan claiming it was just a congrats call.....sure......
    AND the Chinese response....they flew for the first time a Chinese AF nuclear bomber through the entire South China Sea......

    3. IF we take the combined statements of Trump and those that he has selected including Bannon and Flynn...WE will have a war with Islam....BTW this also includes Mattis as well.....

    4. NATO....he has basically walked away from Article 5...when he stated unless NATO pays the US is not interested in defending NATO.....

    5. Russian annexation of Crimea...Trump during the campaign voiced the opinion that it was possible that Crimea did in fact legally voted in a Referendum to join Russia......

    6. Check the Republican Party plaform on Ukraine....totally proRussian position ..directly oppostion many of his own Party in Congress

    7. International treaties ie Iran..he states he will redo them.......

    8. International trade treaties...he will either drop them and or redo them...that will never happen.....

    9. TPP..he will drop it allowing China to firmly control the trade of the entire Pacific Rim.

    10. TTIP and CETA....he will lose the opportunity for the US to trade freely with a 750M person marketplace denying more well paid manufacturing jobs and thousands of jobs associated with increased trade.....

    11. Russian info and cyber warfare...does not exist........

    12. Russian violations of INF...START and OSCE Agreements....does not exist for Putin is his best friend and best friends do not do those things....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-12-2016 at 05:55 PM.

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