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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
    So you’re arguing that Flynn got off lightly (an “informal reprimand”) and that his dismissal from the DIA was due to the classified materials issue and not the other reasons given by Powell and others? You seem to be trying to make more of the issue than there is…

    You brought up Hillary Clinton and the Server Scandal in the context of Flynn, and I responded…

    Yet the CIA only supposedly concluded that the WikiLeaks release in July was part of a Russian intelligence operation to support Trump’s candidacy in December. How can that not be construed as part of a wider effort to render illegitimate Trump’s victory?

    Yet the ODNI and FBI do not agree with the CIA's "conclusion" that it was to benefit Trump.

    So Iran is the main beneficiary as I said previously.
    Azor...being fired "for cause" is a serve term in the civil service world for a total failure in your position.....

    HERE is what you are absolutely missing which is normal for not having ever worked in the intel world especially the HUMINT world....

    The 17 intel agencies and the ODNI AND the FBI did not disagree in a single line of the CIA report that in fact the Russian hacking had occurred and who it was against....

    IF you had spent time in such intel major meetings then you will have realized that each of the 17 agencies approach their analysis from their own "charter" meaning what they were created for....

    In the case of the FBI...they will never fully agree with what the CIA ever states as the FBI collects in order to prove solid evidence for a conviction in a court of law......

    CIA...and DIA are in the business of "indicators"...and when the "indicators" get tighter and tighter then they attempt to fathom the WHY....

    THESE "indicators" are funneled into an Indications and Warning Team that then briefs the National Command Authority that means Trump on potential critical events he needs to especially be aware of since he will have to make decisions on those 'indicators".....

    ODNI...BTW the ODNI does not have a true analysis function of "indicators"...his job and Clapper over stepped that ODNI charter....his job is to manage the movement of analysis work towards a conclusion and to ensure all 17 agencies are supporting that end goal...

    WHAT bothers me intensively is the simple fact that the FBI pulled literally all manpower off the hacking issue in order to go through 30,000 emails which in the end were duplicates and or private....TAKING critical analysis personnel away from the FBI investigation of those Trump individuals who had blatant contacts to Russians and the Russian hacking....

    LASTLY and again I repeat all 17 agencies agreed that there was an active measures Russian hacking operation underway in the US directed against the DNC....Clinton personally....and the Democratic Congress candidates....AND nothing directed against Trump.....

    WHERE they differ is in the Russian intent....

    WHAT you have not heard and are seen written in the US MSM is the simple fact that the CIA stated "with near certainly that Putin was personally involved"....WHY did they go out on that limb??????

    BECAUSE UK and German intel services provided input from their field agents or as some would call them "spies" who provided concrete the form of electronic data and or personal accessment.

    In this business one cannot get more concrete than that......

    AND then we have an idiot calling out the CIA whose field agents as well as the field agents of allied countries who put their lives on the line and at great risk to provide information necessary for decisions....

    REMEMBER this is the same Trump we are talking about that avoided the VN war draft FOUR TIMES by claiming a "bone spur" but when asked about it during the campaign he stated...QUOTE..."I am not sure which foot" and my "hardest battle was fighting off the women"....

    WHILE others fought and "he could fight off the women"......

    BUT WAIT...........this firms things up even more......

    Federal agency in charge of certifying voting machines hacked by Russian-speaking hacker: report

    Russian hackers seized control of the Pentagon's unclassified email system in 2015
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-16-2016 at 05:08 PM.

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