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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
    Council Member
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Azor View Post
    It disappoints me when you start to get personal. It is also amusing considering that a former intelligence analyst who served in both defense and private roles, has Top Secret security clearance, and who served in Afghanistan, agrees with me.

    Following your logic, the NSA and ODNI let the CIA speak for it, and the FBI allowed details of an active investigation to be leaked through the CIA. Does this illegal conspiracy to get the truth to the American people make sense, or does it make more sense that the Director of the CIA is playing politics?

    You have yet to address any of my points regarding the endorsement of Hillary Clinton by almost all of the retired intelligence and national security community, which you yourself lauded months ago as a demonstration of her worthiness. Now that she has lost, this community is suddenly apolitical and beyond reproach.

    We have witnessed the politicization of intelligence to support military operations from Vietnam on, most recently during Operation Inherent Resolve.

    • Which stories were fabricated, exactly?
    • How can you determine the impact of misinformation on those people that voted for Trump?
    • Are you claiming that misinformation was absent from presidential election campaigns prior to 2016 and that it is solely from Russia?

    There is no evidence that Russian interference had a significant impact on the election. You continue to question Trump’s legitimacy because of your preferences for defense and foreign policy.

    Hillary Clinton was the establishment candidate who had the political, financial and security elites on her side, including in the GOP. Trump won in an upset, fighting an uphill battle against his own party, backed by significant grassroots support, and yet now he is suddenly an agent of the Kremlin.

    It is curious that you live in Germany and yet deny that Russia has any legitimate grievances with the United States or NATO. Had it not been for the Soviet Union and fear of Communism, Germany would have been more likely to have been subject to the Morgenthau Plan rather than the Marshall Plan.

    As China becomes the primary threat to the United States, there will have to be rapprochement with Russia...

    Given the sore losing on the part of Democrats, it seems that Russia has indeed discredited American democracy
    This comment has actually now convinced me that you truly do not fully understand the Russian political warfare being carried out against the US using non linear warfare...

    Since you have been following the Ukrainian thread the last two years you would have seen my postings of the open source analysis done by GlobalVoices on the proRussian trolling on just twitter.....and how their network link analysis did in fact point to the actual twitter accounts driving over 1500 further accounts and what topics they were driving...

    That same software allows for network link analysis on virtually all social media and it allows one to determine who started a particular event and who linked into it and who pushed it along....actually quite interesting to see the analysis....

    Unless you fully understand how info warfare and cyber warfare interact with each other is a waste of time to continue.....

    BY the way I judge the impact of a particular fake news story by the number of 1) retweets...2) how many social media accounts picked it up..3) did it get picked up by MSM and how many alt right and ultra conservative accounts picked it as well....AND does then that fake story get mentioned during interviews by Trump supporters...granted not scientific but enlightening nevertheless....MORE importantly how fast did it travel from being dropped as a fake news article and or comment to being picked up by MSM.....

    EXAMPLE....CNN interviewed five Trump supporters that all "SWORE" that millions of illegal Mexicans had voted in California ...BECAUSE California had passed a law allowing them to vote and they were then bussed in to vote....WHEN pushed that there was no such law/never was such a law and it was a social media myth...they basically refused to accept that it was a lie...ONE person even stated she had read on social media that it had been said even by Obama...when referring to the CA law....

    EXAMPLE: there was a massive myth that Clinton/Democracts were involved in a child porno ring being run out of a pizza shop in DC....this myth circulated for a three full months on the ultra right social media sites....then got picked up by Infowars and Alex Jones who pushed out a video to his readers on the subject...then it got picked up by the DC Police chief denied the story as a fake TWICE....and not true

    THEN a NC resident decided he wanted to investigate this story and get to the bottom of it..he carried a loaded rifle into the pizza shop and fired off a round and then was totally surprised to find out the story was a myth....when he was arrested for endangering the customers.

    THEN Jones decided he might be better off deleting his own video which triggered this random act of violence tied to a fake news story from the ultra right...

    BTW you truly do not fully understand just how intel reports are created..shared and used to support the releasing of information BETWEEN the various agencies....simply to avoid having to reveal sources and methods....

    I understand that it is hard to believe that our newly elected president who still has not released his tax records...who has not divested himself from his businesses and who has a massive conflict of interest looming over him and who repeatedly lied via his own tweets could have connections to Russia and or received assistance directly from Putin....

    Will be interested to see what comes out of the coming Senate investigation on the Russian hacks and who was behind it....

    Until this occurs this comment thread is really going nowhere fast...
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-19-2016 at 04:23 PM.

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