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Thread: The Trump impact on US policy

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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    Kyle W. Orton
    Verified account
    John Kerry is now laying out principles that "do not to prejudge but to provide a possible basis" for a final settlement in Israel-Palestine

    From what John Kerry has said he seems to fully embrace the 2002 Arab initiative.

    Kerry now on a potted history of the Israel-Palestine conflict started at Basel, missed out everything until 1948. Not sure what's happening

    It is pretty clear from Kerry's speech that, except for the political price inside the U.S., the Obama admin would have voted for UNSCR 2334

    John Kerry speech on Israel-Palestine: "Friends need to tell each other the hard truths."

    John Kerry says Obama administration has defended #Israel from attacks on her legitimacy, "fought for its inclusion across the UN system".

    John Kerry says he has seen the troubles of the occupation, where checkpoints "can make even the most routine daily trips an ordeal."

    John Kerry says facts on the ground are "combing to destroy hopes for peace on both sides ... cementing a one-state reality."

    John Kerry says there is only a choice between one state or two states. There are those who argue for three states.

    This section from Kerry on condemning the PA's and HAMAS's incitement to terrorism feels like a throat-clearing before criticizing Israel.

    John Kerry says the Israeli governing coalition is the "most right-wing in history with the agenda driven by the most extreme elements."

    Kerry: "Let's be clear: settlement expansion has nothing to do with Israeli security," some compound security trouble, driven by ideology.

    Everything Kerry's said so far doesn't even approach an answer to the question he was asked to answer: Why did you change policy on 23 DEC?

    Kerry says current trends would make Israeli occupation permanent, "separate but not equal". Such talk almost designed to antagonize Israel.

    Oh wow. Now Kerry is about containing the #Iran|ian revolution, sees a chance for Israel and the Arab states to align against Tehran.

    John Kerry: "We could not in good conscience protect the most extreme elements of the settler movement to destroy the two-state solution."

    John Kerry says if US vetoed UNSCR 2334 it "would have been giving license to further ... settlement activity that we fundamentally oppose."

    John Kerry says that "it is not this resolution that isolates Israel," but the policy of the Israeli government in establishing settlements.

    Kerry says there was "absolutely nothing new" in UNSCR 2334 (this is in defending treatment of East Jerusalem in the resolution.)

    John Kerry said that UNSCR 2334 was "balanced and fair"; "did not agree with every word" but it reflected "consensus" so didn't block it.
    Bill Kristol

    John Kerry entered public life 45 years ago slandering his fellow American servicemen. He leaves it slandering America's finest ally.

    As much as I disagree with Kerry he is a decorated VN who fought for his country and rescued a SF soldier caught in an ambush and floundering in the river after the ambush.....AND that earned him the right to critique the VN war

    SOMETHING this so called US conservative never did...serve his country in time of war......nor has he seen US military killed defending US FP whether they supported that FP or not........

    WHAT this US conservative seems to have forgotten is the simple fact....the entire ME has been largely intertwined in the Israeli/Palestinian issue since 1946 leading to decades of terrorist attacks and wars....and yet there is still no solution to it...

    UNTIL it is resolved the turmoil in the ME will continue....

    I once had the opportunity to see the original maps of the Palestinian area in 1945/46 and virtually even village was Arab with limited Jewish settlements...and now compare it to 2016.....

    Just as the French and British created the Syrian/Iraqi borders so did the British create this mess as well.....

    There can no honest debate - nor progress - on any solution without accepting the reality of both Palestinian terrorism & Israeli occupation

    Times of Israel: Netanyahu to be investigated for corruption
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 12-28-2016 at 06:39 PM.

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