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Thread: Syria in 2017 (January-April)

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  1. #1
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    Turkey growing a backbone....seriously doubt it...they got fooled as much as the FSA did by Russia and now must live with the consequences of a typically failed Russian ceasefire plan they signed onto...

    Turkish foreign minister calls on Iran to stop truce violations in Syria

    The only thing that will get Assad's....Khamenei's and Putin's attention is if Turkish forces directly bombed Hezbollah and Assad positions as a warning that they are violating the ceasefire....

  2. #2
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    "Back to normal".
    Four towns bombed in #Hama today.
    Prequel to the pro-#Assad forces offensive northwards, I would say.

    "In response to the ceasefire violations", rebel fired Grad missiles vs. pro-#Assad forces in #Jurin.

    AND Russia really cares about their own ceasefire....not really as they are participating in those attacks by not stopping them as their are one of the ceasefire guarantors...

    Idlib: #Assad helicopters dropped barrel bombs on #Khan_Shaykhun in Southern #Idlib.

    Air strikes also hit #Hama province today. Morek seen in the video.

    126th #SyriaCeasefire violation: regime helicopters drop large explosive containers on Kafrzeta in north rural Hama (6 hrs ago).

    127th #SyriaCeasefire violation: regime artillery attack of 3 towns (Hazarma, Zreikia, & Hush al-Salhiye) in rural Damascus (5 hrs ago).
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-04-2017 at 05:40 PM.

  3. #3
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    Russian Syrian Express....

    Supposedly Haifa-bound but going to #Tartus #Syria , Russia flag Ro-Ro Alexandr Tkachenko transited Bosphorus carrying military trucks
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  4. #4
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    Default To Outlaw 09 RE: Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    Azor...seems we agreed across the board for a change...hope your slide into the New Year was great.
    And you as wel!

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    Here is the kicker...Russia has a standard battle tactic whether in eastern Ukraine or Syria...get the other side to talk and talk and talk and then get them into a ceasefire which usually they tend to try to hold to in order then to not be accused by Russia and often the US of violating the so called ceasefire...
    I would say that the Russian ceasefires, as evident in Ukraine and now Syria, are seen by the Russians as a form of conditional surrender. Russia is amenable to these ceasefires only when its adversary is losing, and offers them when it is close to winding down its participation in the conflict, having achieved most of its objectives.

    None of the ceasefire talks in question convinced an adversary to delay or abort what would have been a successful offensive; they are not ruses of war. Rather, these ceasefires mark the beginning of Russia consolidating its gains.

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    We see that right now in eastern Ukraine where Russia claimed a Christmas ceasefire BUT the attacks have been massive and often and the UAF has been attempting to hold to it...
    In this case, Russia is deterring Ukraine from launching an offensive, which would be reported as violating the ceasefire. Ukraine is in no position to make major gains against the insurgents, without a devastating response from Russia.

    Unfortunately, the Russians not making a drive for Mariupol-Odessa-Transnistria and living with the daily fire from the insurgents are the best that Ukraine can hope for currently.

    Since when does Russia believe in fair ceasefires?

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    The same thing for the FSA right now...for the first three days the FSA held strictly to the Russian/Turkish ceasefire while within hours Assad with support from Hezbollah and RuAF started immediately to attack FSA positions.
    I gather that the Iranian-led forces broke the ceasefire first, presumably because Teheran and Damascus believe that all of Syria can be reconquered, whereas Moscow would not be unhappy with a friendly Alawite enclave in Latakia.

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    IF and this is a big IF...if Russia and Turkey were truly interested in holding the ceasefire...both could simply bomb Hezbollah and Assad positons a few times and you would see a sudden stop of the attacks...
    If Turkey did not intervene against the Assadists prior to Russia’s intervention, why would they do so now?

    Quote Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09
    BUT here is the next kicker...Russian and Assad positions are the same...they both are interested in destroying FSA regardless of how sweetly Russia talks at the UN about peace in Syria…

    REMEMBER it was the Russian Damascus Ambassador who before the Assad attack on Aleppo publicly stated in a major interview that Assad would not be attacking Aleppo and then surprise surprise Russian bombed and attacked as much as Assad Aleppo....

    I call this Russian tactic...simply "the talking attack"...
    I see this as private disagreement among the participants in the Assadist coalition, that is manifested in contradictory public statements and military actions.

    I gathered from CrowBat’s commentary that the Syrians were flying almost all of the missions over Aleppo city while the Russians were concentrating elsewhere…

    Regardless, Putin’s had his small war but Iran isn’t finished, so a smooth operator would exploit their differences…

  5. #5
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    Azor....we differ on the true Russian response if push comes to shove....

    In this case, Russia is deterring Ukraine from launching an offensive, which would be reported as violating the ceasefire. Ukraine is in no position to make major gains against the insurgents, without a devastating response from Russia.
    Right now yes the Russians use their own mercenaries to agitate in eastern Ukraine and to conduct direct ground the tanks....ammo and fuel for those attacks......

    BUT check the last Russian planned mercenary led offensive in the Svitlodarsk salient....a total failure and high loses on the Russian side.....

    The UAF had picked up intel wise a large Russian military buildup in the area aimed at taking more "Minsk 2 grey zone territory" and basically ran a major ground offensive first taking the area from under the noses of the Russians and then defended it successfully.

    While the fighting was truly heavy the Russians said not a single word....and tried to get their so called Christmas ceasefire in place to stop UAF actions.....

    With every major Russian mercenary heavy ground attack in 2016....they basically went nowhere and the mercenary loses are now always high.

    What many forget in 2014 when the Russian local separatists mad their moves to take Donbass...the UAF basically a low quality ill trained and equipped force starting to actually defeat the separatists and were on the verge of actually winning militarily....THEN the Russian military started massive cross border artillery attacks using everything in their artillery up to 152mm and BM21/BM27/BM30s and tactical missiles....

    AND when that did not slow down UAF they opted for a Russian army ground invasion....

    UAF has been basically totally rebuilt...rearmed and is now quite capable of defending itself and launching quickly large scale ground offensives when the opportunity presents itself......

    Ukraine has largely held back attempting this because the IMF loan requirements indicates their loans cannot be made to a country at or in a "war".....and IMF then rewrote the regs to include the current fighting in eastern Ukraine as "not a war" in order to make the loans...

    AND at the same time to appease the EU for Association Status and visa free travel......

    UAF though does now have the capacity to go full out on the offensive and the Russians know it and do not want to risk an all out war.....when sanctions are hurting them badly....

    BTW...all current Russian agreements and ceasefires are strictly as you point out..."for show only"....

    Take their OPEC agreement made with great fanfare across the globe.....Russian oil figures released today indicate the Russians are pumping oil at a level never seen in the last five years....AND surprise there has been no cut back only production increases AFTER the so called OPEC this case the Russians were trying to drive up the oil prices above 50 USDs which their announcement did in fact achieve as we are at now a price of 55 USDs...but slowly sinking again....but at least they get an earning bounce for their short fall budget....
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-05-2017 at 09:18 AM.

  6. #6
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    Syria Regime dropped 4 Chlorine gas bombs on Barada Valley villages in western #Damascus
    Last edited by davidbfpo; 01-05-2017 at 03:41 PM.

  7. #7
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    Highly recommended reading here on the Idlib situation in comparison with Aleppo:

    Syria Reports: Shiite militias from #Iraq gathering at border for assault on huge Omar oil field btw #Hasaka & Euphrates river
    Last edited by OUTLAW 09; 01-05-2017 at 04:59 PM.

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