Quote Originally Posted by TheCurmudgeon View Post
I really hope I am wrong. Even though I have personal disdain for Trump on a multitude of levels, I would really rather eat crow and take back my words when I find out that he becomes the best President since Reagan. Even though I am bound by my oath to obey his orders. I really worry that he will place his own interests above his duty as a public servant.

This is just my humble opinion based on what I have observed so far.

When it comes to matters of National Security, I am not a republican, democrat, nor an independent. I am an American.

Blame it on the scotch (Glenmorangie 12 year old Quinta Ruban), but that is just the way I feel.
Trump's certainly not ideal. Even after Bush's, McCain's and Palin's gaffes, if you had told me in 2008 that Trump would become president in 2016, I would have laughed it off as insane. Romney would have been a good President, albeit uninspiring...

I do hope that Trump rises to the occasion or at least that his administration does.

In many respects, once you take away the "infotainment" aspect of modern governance, Trump seems as though he might be the Reagan to Carter's Obama. Carter was a highly underrated President and Reagan highly overrated; much of the criticism of the former and lionizing of the latter is due more to style than substance, especially where defense and foreign policy are concerned.

Both Trump and Clinton ran scorched earth campaigns, and had Clinton won, she would be subject to the same attempts to de-legitimize her win (substitute Russia for Qatar) as well as calls for impeachment on day one.

It is my suspicion that this dossier is simply unused ammunition left over from the election campaign, but I may be wrong. Either way, it needs to be dealt with.

Whether by Putin's hand or not, faith in American democracy has taken some body blows in 2016...