Quote Originally Posted by Tom Odom View Post
Steve where Peters goes wrong for me is in his polemical calls to hate and kill on a scale that would make Attila smile. He is free to voice his opinion and he is free of the consequences; that makes him at best irresponsible and more probably uncaring. It does not, however, render him free of guilt in stoking hate. I have seen first hand what happens when the type of murderous forces Peters often advocates are unleashed. In that regard, Peters is very much like a Western version of a fundamentalist fanatic; he is articulate. He polarizes and paralyzes rational thought. And above all, he offers his position as the only true choice, a page right out of Eric Hoffer.


Point well made Tom.

Often the only difference between folks like the Interahamwe and people who casually espouse violence and killing as if it had no more consequence than a transaction at the commissary is opportunity. How else can we account for things like you witnessed, or the actions of so many otherwise 'regular' folks who committed so many atrocities during the Holocaust or the ethnic cleansing in the FYRP?

We let people who espouse theories regarding violence and killing off the hook in 'peacetime' if we do not call them to account for their 'thoughts', by saying 'that is their right to free speech'. This, in my opinion, makes us complicit in any evil that follows.