Quote Originally Posted by 120mm View Post
For sure, the assertion that "Bush Lied" has reached "Big Lie" status for those among his opposition. I mean, it's been said so often, it must be true, right? On a related issue, the Presidency has been under continuous investigation since Reagan. Investigating the President has become a tactic, now. And, except for in former President Clinton's case, the investigations have turned up nothing of substance.
Well lets check the books since WWII.

Truman (D) - No crimes to speak of.
Ike (R)- Same ... warned against the military industrial complex.
Kennedy (D)- Sex with Marilyn Monroe in White house.
Johnson (D) - Got us into Vietnam and quit when he went below 50% popularity.
Nixon (R)- Investigated by his own DOJ and found numerous acts of criminal conduct in office. Ordered burglaries, wiretapping and thefts. His own party turned on him and impeachment was a sure thing. Additionally he secretly (to the American public) and illegally bombed two other nations not at war with us ... this ultimately led to Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge winning Cambodia and murdering a million people. Numerous members of his cabinet went to prison until pardoned by President Ford or until sentences were completed.

Carter (D)- Not the best president but did nothing illegal or improper. Later won Nobel Peace prize for bringing Israel and Egypt together.

Reagan (R)- Sold US stocks of I-HAWK and I-TOW Missiles and spare parts to Iran (via Israel and the CIA). Since it was a secret sale the conspirators decided to secretly funnel the HUGE profits of those missile sales to a secret slush fund to arm the Nicaraguan Contras - all against the laws passed by Congress to NOT give them any US money (see it was Iranian and terrorist money so it was OK!). Oh yes, Iran was under a US arms ban and the weapons were direct bribes to Iran so they could tell their terrorist arm, Hezbollah in Lebanon, to free US hostages (that they ordered kidnapped) in direct exchange for specified numbers of I-HAWKs/I-TOWs. Numerous members went to prison for lying and obstruction of justice until pardoned by G.H.W. Bush. Several work in the present White House.

Clinton (D) - Dozens of investigations reveal he had oral sex and bad taste in bimbos but was not convicted of it. No one convicted or pardoned in his cabinet of anything despite dozens of investigations (look it up, its all true, except Henry Cisneros's misdemeanor count of obstruction about how much money he gave his girlfriend).

GW Bush (R) - He's getting off very light so far. Only two big investigations really underway - Firing of US Attorneys and Warrantless Wiretapping ... I can't tell you were others will begin or end but I personally believe there is allot of smoke and its not from Cigars and interns. I do know this ... even Bush admitted on TV he ordered wiretaps of US citizens without a warrant contrary to the fourth amendment of the Constitution. This is illegal. Incompetence pre-9/11? Incompetence in Iraq? Incompetence in Hurricane Katrina? Take a number ... its going to be a long summer and quite frankly I am of the belief they deserve some checks and balances. Let the chips fall where they may because my beloved Consitution is more important to me than a few politcal hacks.